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App request: Horstmann HRT4-ZW and ASR-ZW
In order to get rid of my Vera Light I would love to have support for these 2 thermostat devices. ASR-ZW would probably work out of the box as it is pretty much an on-off device but the HRT4-ZW is used to set the temperature and I don't think that is supported with the standard z-wave driver right?
User guide.pdf

User guide.pdf

Any App developer willing to take this on as a pet project?
Since you did a marvelous job with the TKB Home app, partly on my request, can I interest you in taking this one on as well?
Fully understand if you are not interested, but I know you have experience with thermostats. Maybe this would be an easy one for you..
I read 2 months ago it wasn't in the drivers yet.
The app can only be build when the drivers supports these functions.
there are 2 apps using it now, danfoss, and eurotronic (my own creation)
eurotronic still using an early adopt, still busy creating updated version.
i would like to do it, but not now, little too busy for it
@priknr1 and @caseda
Lets make it a contest
Who can build the first working app for these devices... 

That would be cool, or in this context HOT
I have these devices now for some time and they are just collecting dust at the moment. It would be great if I can start using them!
I remember it being a b!tch to add in Homeseer (my previous/current domotica)
So below is a guide on adding it and having it to work properly.
Boiler unit is the device you connect to the boiler
Thermostat is the device that would be in your living room
1Power up the boiler unit. If the network light is blinking (i.e. no network) then skip steps 2-4.
2) Put the thermostat into installer mode (dip switch 1 on).
3) Turn the dial to ‘P’ and then double-click the dial to get ‘PP’
4) Turn the dial to ‘E’ and click to make the ‘E’ blink. The network light on the boiler control unit should now be blinking.
5) Now take the batteries out of the thermostat to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the next steps.
6) Click "add device" in homey and select "Z-wave" under "Homey"
7) Press the Network button on the boiler unit. The network light should be lit. Homey has now added the boiler unit.
8) Put the batteries back into the thermostat.
9) Make sure the thermostat is still in installer mode (dip switch 1 On)
10) Turn the dial to ‘L’
11) Click "add device" in homey and select "Z-wave" under "Homey")
12) Click the dial.
13) Homey has now added the thermostat.
14) Now turn the dial on the thermostat to ‘Li’ and click to make the ‘Li’ blink. This basically keeps the thermostat awake for a minute so you can configure it in Homey.
15) Go to the Device > Configure the thermostat: Set the wake-up time between 4 hours and 5mins. I picked 5 minutes , since I power the thermostat with an adapter. Otherwise batteries could drain fast
16) Also, set parameter 1 to a value between 128 and 255. This turns on the temperature sensor in the thermostat so the room temperature can be reported to HomeSeer.
17) On the thermostat turn the dial to ‘A’, and click it to make ‘A’ blink.
18) Press the network button on the boiler control unit (for longer than 1 second).
19) ‘P’ should be displayed on the thermostat.
20) Take the thermostat out of installer mode (dip switch 1 to off)
21) Remove and replace the batteries in the thermostat (not entirely sure this is necessary but I wanted to check it had stored the settings and come out of installer mode properly).
22) Done!
Did you already release the app into the app store? Is it pending approval?
Also, I have no idea how to get it in the store yet :P
So it might be reviewed by Athom or something, which might also take days????
Yes, I think they review every app and indeed it does take a few days after your submitting it for it to be released into the wild..
So back to the drawing board. Though I dont know when that will be.
Right now I am kinda busy both with work and in private.
Too bad the result was disappointing. But very cool that you are busy with it. Take your time and keep us posted! Good luck.
Curious to know if you have made any progress.
Haven't got to it. Sorry. Right now we are very busy with something more important
But I will do my best to make some time for it asap.
The boiler control unit is now defined as thermostat in the z-wave driver. A thermostat does not have the OnOff ability, that is probably why it doesnt work anymore. So in this case the driver was improved, but functionality got less for you.
On the bright side, I think when I tested I was able to do this, So I might be able to put up a first version soon, in which you are able to control the boiler unit (ASR-ZW)
Indeed more important. I sincerely hope you will both find a donor soon!
I can't find the facebook link in the article and I don't think anyone will object to you posting it here or in the off-topic section, should you want to.
As for the app (and if you find the time): i'm not a developer but i wouldn't it be easier to have two separate apps for the time being? So one for the thermostat and one for the boiler switch. 2 smaller projects instead of 1 larger one should simplify development and make troubleshooting easier. You can always merge them later..
Just a thought.. <span>
Is the code available on Github so we can check it out and maybe try it out? Or maybe improve it?
I'm really hoping to migrate my Thermostat setup to Homey too so I can say bye-bye to my Vera.
So far I got working:
- The boiler contol unit to work from both the Thermostat and homey (switching it on / off)
- The battery status from the Thermostat
- The actual temperature from the Thermostat
Not working:
- Status changed of the boiler unit (so not visible in Homey, when turned on/ off by thermostat
- Thermostat setpoint changed by homey
- Actual thermostat setpoint
But working on it.
When I get home today I hope to make some progress, and after that, I will make a pull request for a first version to athom. Have to find out where and how that works, since this is the first app I built myself.
I did submit the app to athom. So in a couple of days it must be in the appstore.
please have a look and see what you can improve
I am not exactly a pro at programming in js. I am a PLC programmer myself, so this is definately not my expertise.
Do you have the thermostat yourself?
any chance you could contribute?
If anyone gets the status working I'm sorted