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Can the voice command 'okay homey" be customized



  • Erwin1Erwin1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Indeed, sigh! 

    Apparently some people get offended even when that's obviously not my intention (that's why I even stated that my comment wasn't meant offensively). And some people also don't get, or don't want to get, that it really doesn't matter what they think or say, but that in this case it's all about what the manufacturer thinks. In the end it's their decision if they want to add features or not. And when Emile said it wasn't going to happen, that was the only statement that counted, not my opinion or that of anyone else, only the manufacturers opinion. 

    And now I'm done with this thread. Respond how you like, I'm not gonna read this thread any further. 
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    edited October 2016
    Oups, wrong topic.
  • phbphb Member
    Thank god for that  hallelujah 
  • I just bought a Homey and are also very interested in customizing the voice command trigger "OK Homey" or even have multiple voice triggers. Leave the tested clean "Ok Homey" and adding the extra feature for multiple triggers would be nice because:
    I am Danish and i now i do not pronounce things as clear as people with english as their native language, so i would have to "adapt" all my voice flows anyway.

    Some posted that it was because of big cost "training" a good recognition. Could anyone explain to me why that is so important? what's the catch to trigger homey with "Ok Homey" if it doesn't catch the rest of the voice flow?

    If i say "Ok Homey Turn on the lights" if it understands my voice or at least the command "Turn on the lights" wouldn't  homey also understand "Hello Master - Turn on the lights". in the flow it must understand the "trigger" and "the command" or its in no use anyway.
  • OK Homey is recognized on Homey itself, without the recorded data sending to recognition-servers (otherwise all sounds during the whole day had to be send : privacy-concerns!), everything after Oke Homey is send to recognition-servers...
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