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Verification email issue

I'm probably going to get slammed for making "negative" comments, but so be it...
Initially started looking at Homey a year ago. Quickly decided to purchase it, shipping was estimated to before x-mas...
Time went by, no worries, new startup, will take some time...
More time went by (starting to get a bit annoyed here...)

Finally last week I received word my Homey was on its way - Rushed home from vacation and picked it up on friday - Happy days, time to play with Homey (that sounds a bit weird) all weekend long.
Started out with some WiFi issues, that took a few hours before it was solved - Time to sign up...
What appeared to be the simplest of things has now taken 3 days to resolve - I've received a bunch of emails regarding Homey for the past year, but the verification email is missing - The verification email for this forum was received within a few minutes, oddly enough.

Athom, I know it's "only" been 3 days (including the weekend), but please, I've been patient for over a year, please help me complete the signup so I can start having fun!


  • Hi

    Still haven't heard anything here...Please help me out Athom!
  • Hi

    Still haven't heard anything here...Please help me out Athom!
    Have you send a email to support?

  • Sure have, one on friday and another one yesterday...The spinning halo is impressive, but I'd like to start messing about with my Homey..
  • Can you not register on another emailadres ( think you already watched you're spam folder )?
  • Tried that already, and that works just fine, but then it tells me I have no Homey registered...And I don't know how to re-register the Homey :/
  • And if you start over the hole setup procedure after a factory-reset (homey up-site, search on youtube how to)?
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