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Homey does not execute my saved flows with switching lights on and off

Made two flows for one of my klik aan klik uit lights. which operate well at test in the fow editor, but seem to be unknown for Homey when speech command is given.
Did not see that Homey received the new flow when saved in the flow editor.
Did not see that Homey received the new flow when saved in the flow editor.
So please use the build-in commands.
Of course you can make flows to control your lights, you just can't use voice commands that cause a conflict with the built-in voice triggers
Flow with 'slaapwel' trigger to turn off lights => ok
Flow with 'lights' in the trigger => big no-no
If a user not really knows what (s) he's doing with voice commands, it's very advisable to avoid own made commands because the can and will conflict built-in commands.
So yes it's possible to create a "good night" command/flow which turns off lights/tv/radio etc., but a "lights off" command will conflict with built-in commands and make a mess of light commands.
So it's advisable to avoid own flows that look/sound like built-in commands and it would be great of Athom releases a list of built-in (and so avoidable) commands on there great new kinky thingie site.
So, what I said
Absolutely agree with that!!
Warn people if the try to make a flow with voice commands that these flow can conflict with built in command.
But after several updates there's still no warning.
And yes in the beginning it's fun to get some direct answers from homey without creating flows, but after some time you want to use flows for more specific actions.
Normal I make all my flows with my own trigger key-words to turn on/off lights etc..
But when I use "lights on living room" then ALL lights in living room goes on
Same for dinning room and other rooms.
It depends of course where in Zones & devices your lights are and how you named the zones.
If the zone is named "living room" and you are dutch and ask homey "lichten aan woonkamer" then I suppose that Homey find no lights. There is no zone " woonkamer" if you didn't rename the Zone from "living Room" to "woonkamer"
Then there is that if you add a socket and you do not indicate it as a lamp( when adding the socket) then that socket will not be triggered when you use the build in speech like "lights on living room"
Also there is when you want to set a timer" herinnering" then you have to make a flow that triggers when the timer stops, otherwise it looks like it doesn't work
overall it works actually okay here.
But personally i prefer also that I can make my own flows and key-words to trigger how i want and that there is a way to turn off manually the build in speech.