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Yamaha Receiver

in Apps
I created an app for Yamaha receivers, based on and
It can be found here:
I will send it to athom today for official integration.
It can be found here:
I will send it to athom today for official integration.
Currently working:
* Turning receiver on/off
* Mute/unmute receiver
* Increase/decrease volume
* Set volume to a certain value
* Change source of receiver
* Change music equaliser settings of receiver
Turning receiver on this way takes 10-20 seconds, take care of this when using in a flow with something else (i.e., delay a command to change the receiver input if you want 1 flow to both turn the receiver on and change the input).
Turning receiver on this way takes 10-20 seconds, take care of this when using in a flow with something else (i.e., delay a command to change the receiver input if you want 1 flow to both turn the receiver on and change the input).
Before you can use it to turn your receiver on, you should go to the settings on your receiver's webpage (enter the IP adres in a browser), and go to settings -> Network Standby -> Select 'On'.
If you do not find these settings, take a look at this site, which might help you:
You need to have the (local) IP-address of your receiver to add the device to Homey (There is no discovery)
Use at your own risk, I accept no responsibility for any damages caused by using this script.
a question about "Turning receiver on this way takes 10-20 seconds".. could i know why it could take so long? u r talking about turning on/off or that delay is for every command sended to the yamaha?
Thank you anyway!
Turning the receiver off and changing all other settings are practically instantanious.
any suggestions on how to automatically get a net station started? (now I have to browse through the list to get a station started, would be nice to say ok homey, radio and when the preset net radio is used automatically a default radio station starts playing)
a bit between homey and receiver twilight on how to get this done
maybe include in the flow three times the ´enter´ button with some delay
feature request
From the top of my head, the arrow keys were possible, so I'd assume enter is also possible...
when i test the flow, the command stay in a spinning loop without sending any command to the avr... both time i rebooted homey and that did not resolve the issue.
The yamaha has a static ip so there is no reachability problem (yamaha app on iphone works every time ok),
so i removed the device, and when trying to add it again, i can't because when i fill the ip form, the button save is not working.
I went to the app section, DISABLE-ENABLE the Yamaha APP, and all is working again... (button save now do the job), that's could be a bug maybe trigger by the fact i installed other app..maybe..(it's the only thing that i did in the meanwhile it was working.. hope this information could be helpfull to you!
i checked, and somehow the yamaha was in DHCP, a bind the ip from the router,, also did a dhcp reservation and i give you a feedback, maybe it was only my problem, sorry i believed to haved configured it to static ip.
but those points remains good, i changed in order of priorities (imho):
I have some suggestions, if you want to make it better then ever
1)it could be possible to have the yamaha into the coloumn "WHEN" ?
2)when testing flow, is it normal that (for ex changing input) the spinning still looping, can we have a feedback that the flows worked ok?
3)volume trigger do not accept negative value, that is important for -db
4)it could be useful to change the yamaha ip parameters on the device list screen, because now the tag device can only be deleted, it not have setting parameters like for example hue lights/fibaro motion sensor... (you have to remove and add a yamaha avr again to change that)
i didn't experience the 10-20seconds delay
anyway thank you for your Good Work KoenMartens!
To answer your questions/remarks:
1) I could look into this, but I will not make it a priority, because, as you said, receivers have a static IP address, so in theory, they should never be changed.
2) It would be possible, but what would you like there? If the receiver is turned on/off or something?
3) Yes, that's normal. I think feedback should be possible, but haven't read into it (this was my first time coding in JS)
4) The set volume trigger works %-based, as I myself hate the fact that my receiver goes from -65 to + 35 dB or whatever. So I made it that the 0-100 value you put it in translated to a dB value suitable for the receiver.
2) yes, it could be nice, if homey could checked what input is now (ex HDMI1/2/.. TUNER), if it is on or off, could be very usefull
3) i know that, lot of respect
4) ok, 0-100, how can i convert to db, just to know: 0 means -65db and 100 means +35db, right?
For example:{
method: 'POST',
uri: 'http://'+hostIP+'/YamahaRemoteControl/ctrl',
function(error, response, body){
callback(null, false);})
Thanks! Will implement this in the next update
but i still have problem with the yamaha communication, now it can't change ip (checked).. homey stopped to talk with the avr, the only solution was, disable the app, remove the device, enable app, add new yamaha, same ip (of course) => and all goes fine, like this morning, i only installed/removed new apps (also reboot homey wasn't enough)..
that also appened to the hue, sometimes when u install apps it seems, homey lose control of them and you have to add device again (maybe i create a post for that).
for example exclude this "new" features if the input is on a specific source (like hdmi3)..