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  • When looking into my router I think I can see the homey. At least when the MAC address starts with 6c:ad:f8.  if so, then it made a lot of connections to dons and ntp servers (and maybe some others).  But after a while it has no internet sessions open any more. 
  • When looking into my router I think I can see the homey. At least when the MAC address starts with 6c:ad:f8.  if so, then it made a lot of connections to dons and ntp servers (and maybe some others).  But after a while it has no internet sessions open any more. 
  • I noticed that my router said that the connection was 1 Mbps. It looks like it could not make a proper handshake or such. Connection quality was over 80% and the homey was about 1 meter away from my router. I therefore connected homey again but now to an access point in my house (attached to the same router). Now the homey starts updating. However progress is very slow. Still at 1% after several minutes. While it is only 73MB. 
  • I got my Homey yesterday and I'am having the same issue. First time I tried to connect I got the issue my homey would not connect to Wifi. However, no it's is stuck on update with 73% for the past half hour. Kind of worried to brick my Homey on day 2 by pulling the plug.  :/
    Any ideas?  --> rebooting Homey?

    My router is a Cisco EPC3928AD 
    Using a Surface pro 2 win x64 windows 10 and Chrome Versie 49.0.2623.112 m to install Homey
  • Changing the channel for the 2.4 ghz network on your router might help. I've had the same issue, until I choose an channel that was not used by other routers in the area.
  • honeyhoney Member
    edited April 2016
    @orcson Yes unfortunately you have to unplug it quite often. Not just during the installation but during normal operation when homey drops the connection. Of course using the 2.4GHz. I can confirm connection is unreliable and slow. I hope they will fix the WiFi soon.

  • I unplugged it that evening and tried again next day but no luck. Than tried turning off 5 Ghz Wifi and using Edge, Explorer and Firefox but still no luck. Than I tried the smartphones and two days later it finally worked on one of the smartphones.  :) Hope they make the installation less painfull in the future.
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