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Does Hue need an internet connection to function?

Last night, my Internet connection broke down, but the local network was functioning normally. However, Homey wasn't able to switch on/off Hue lights. 

Is Homey using the local IP of the bridge to control Hue? Or does it use the Internet to connect to my local Hue lights?

Or was it just an anomaly? I don't expect my Internet connection to be down often, so it's not a big deal if it needs Internet to function, mainly curious. 


  • Normally it should be using your internal IP.
    For Homey to connect through the internet to your bridge it needs to request authorisation from the meethue-website.
  • I guess a request is made to to get the bridge address, would be nice when that request fails a previously stored IP adres is used for example for the next 6 hourss. (Having every request time out before switching to a locally stored address would not be a nice experience)

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