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z-wave domoticz transfer


Received my homey today :smiley: 

Setup went smooth. Hue was working within a few seconds. Now trying to setup my z-wave network.

I have a z-wave setup in domoticz (usb dongle + raspberry pi) with 9 devices. If I want to do a controller shift, do I need to include the homey as a node within the domoticz network first? I tried both ways but without any succes. I get the following error when initiating the controller shift:

I also wanted to include a node that is not part of my domoticz network, but I only see the option to remove a node:

what am I missing? I'm running v0.8.14



  • Had to look a bit too before I could add a device.
    It's not in Settings.
    Just go to your devices, click the + and select your Homey.  A menu will open where you can select BT, IR and Zwave  ;)
  • Please wait till 0.8.17. It has a more stable Z-Wave backend then 0.8.14.

    Use the Controller Shift on Homey to include a new controller in the network. Since you want to include Homey in an exciting network you have to initiate the Controller Shift on you current primary controller. When the Controller Shift is started press the Inclusion button in Homey.

    In 0.8.17. it will ask you to wait till the process is finished on your other controller. When you close this message Homey will scan your network and add the devices.

    Again I suggest to wait till 0.8.17.
  • @ArnoudDeJong ;what usb zwave controller do you have? Is it z-wave plus? Otherwise controllershift could be tricky.
  • @ArnoudDeJong ;what usb zwave controller do you have? Is it z-wave plus? Otherwise controllershift could be tricky.
    I have the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5, so that should work
  • Fire69 said:
    Had to look a bit too before I could add a device.
    It's not in Settings.
    Just go to your devices, click the + and select your Homey.  A menu will open where you can select BT, IR and Zwave  ;)
    Thnx! Stupid me :blush: 
  • @taco updated to 0.8.17. Z-Wave devices are appearing  :-)

    Would be nice if the main UI would have some more info (e.g. kWh usage, light on/of, temperature, etc.) and perhaps some interaction capabilities (switch on/off) 

    I noticed that for the GreenWave PowerNodes that i'm using it's only showing the cumulative power usage and not the actual usage. How can I show them both?  

  • @taco updated to 0.8.17. Z-Wave devices are appearing  :-)

    Would be nice if the main UI would have some more info (e.g. kWh usage, light on/of, temperature, etc.) and perhaps some interaction capabilities (switch on/off) 

    I noticed that for the GreenWave PowerNodes that i'm using it's only showing the cumulative power usage and not the actual usage. How can I show them both?  

    It would also be nice when polling would work. I added it on each zwave socket but all the Greenwave PowerNodes keep blinking green... ??
  • The Powernode only send cumulative values. You can set a pol interval through the device settings (wrench icon).
  • Taco said:
    The Powernode only send cumulative values. You can set a pol interval through the device settings (wrench icon).
    How is that? My greenwaves show usage per socket in Domoticz. Actual usage as well as total usage.
  • ArnoudDeJongArnoudDeJong Member
    edited February 2016
    This is what I'm seeing in Domoticz: 

    If I take a look in the Control Panel of OpenZwave I see the following list:

    I use the Power (W) to determine the state of a device (e.g. for home ventilation, washing machine). Would like to make some apps/plugins that could trigger that my washing machine is ready or warn me that my TV is still on when nobody is in the living room, etc.
  •  Taco said:
    Please wait till 0.8.17. It has a more stable Z-Wave backend then 0.8.14.

    Use the Controller Shift on Homey to include a new controller in the network. Since you want to include Homey in an exciting network you have to initiate the Controller Shift on you current primary controller. When the Controller Shift is started press the Inclusion button in Homey.

    In 0.8.17. it will ask you to wait till the process is finished on your other controller. When you close this message Homey will scan your network and add the devices.

    Again I suggest to wait till 0.8.17.
    Hi I'm running 0.8.17 and tried to do the controller shift as described, but without luck.

    I am using Domoticz as well on a Linux host with an Aeotec Z-Stick S2.
    On Domoticz I initiated transfer primary role,
    and on my Homey I started the controller Shift.

    At that moment I see an error in Domoticz that the command has failed:

    2016-02-10 22:22:29.420 OpenZWave: Transfer Primary Role initiated...
    2016-02-10 22:22:29.420 OpenZWave: Command is starting
    2016-02-10 22:22:29.424 OpenZWave: Waiting for User action...
    2016-02-10 22:22:43.405 OpenZWave: Controller is communicating with Other devices to carry out the command
    2016-02-10 22:22:44.428 OpenZWave: Command has failed!

    and in Homey, I eventually get an error as well:
    Inclusion failed, probably no controller in inclusion mode.

    Is the Aeotec Z-Stick S2 maybe not supported?

    For now I excluded some switched from Domoticz, and after that I could include them to Homey one by one

  • @LeonVanDerRee Instead of starting the controller Shift on your homey, you should trigger the Inclusion on your homey. That worked for me

  • @LeonVanDerRee: the S2 isn't a zwave plus controller and does not support controller shift. Mentioned that before somewhere in this forum. I contacted Aeotec about that and they specificly stated that it isn't supported! Only for the new generation zwave plus controllers!
  • LeonVanDerReeLeonVanDerRee Member
    edited February 2016
    thanks @kasteleman 

  • How is that? My greenwaves show usage per socket in Domoticz. Actual usage as well as total usage.
    It uses an uncommon command class for we don't support (yet).
  • Will that class be supported and in what time frame(1 week, 1 month, 1 year)?

  • @Taco did you have a peak at the open-zwave xml configurationfile?

    That is used by many domotica opensource solutions
  • Taco said:
    It uses an uncommon command class for we don't support (yet).
    Thanks for your reply.

    That's a bummer.... Ordered 3 more greenwave 6socket nodes to use when my Homey arrives.... Indeed curious like @MarcoF ;within what timeframe this will be supported.... I have no knowhow off the underlaying technology but reading current usages sounds like basic functionality to me.
  • TacoTaco Member
    edited February 2016
    I'll have to research it first. Can't put a date on it yet.
  • Great @Taco i've got some of these too. Is it an idea to put it on Trello so it won't get lost in the hectic period Athom is having right now?
  • DD Member
    I've got some of those as well
  • Got two of those 6 socket nodes as well, support for individual power consumption somewhere in the future would indeed be nice but there are bigger issues to solve at this moment I image ... :smile: 
  • Also three 6 socket sets here work flawlessly with the Fibaro HC2 and individual socket measurement.
  • I got 2 of them waiting for homey
  • At first with vera it didnt work either just the total power measure worked, maybe the same problem?
  • I've got 20 or so single sockets and 6 (6) slot sockets so I realy hope the power used will de supported. As already mentioned earlier,  in Domoticz everything works just fine so I hope to get the same experience with Homey. Would be a real bummer when this would not be supported in the near future.
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