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Homey Image Grabber app



  • DrDoom said:
    @Eternity : One question left: Are you able to make a distinction between an image grabbed because of movement or an image grabbed because of the doorbell pressed?
    You could add a 'bogus' part in the URL. For example, add:
    to the URL.

    In the trigger of the imagegrabber, it also has a token "URL". Check if that URL token has "reason=doorbell" or "reason=movement", using the "Logic" card where you can drag the URL token to the "contains" card.
  • @DrDoom
    Yes, you need 2 flows....

    And I guess that also will answer your other question. The Grab App stores an image in Homey memory. So, as soon as a new grab is done, the previous one will be deleted. 

  • So this should work when '&reason=Ancilla' is added to the url?
    Mind the word 'should'
  • @Rocodamelshe hmmm I guess not... you would need the newer version of the app which isn't ready yet. Sorry, few days (perhaps weeks) before that works. (it would have an URL token next to the image token)
  • Ok, I'll have to wait then. Take your time. Thanks for the tips so far.
  • I have the same issue with my axis cam. Works in browser not with the image grab app.  :/ 

    I still have issues grabbing images from my Axis cam.

    The grabber flow works with other images, also works if I enable anonymous login to the cam.

    As soon as I re-enable the authentication the flow does not work using:

    Above URLs also work in browsers

    Homey logger does not have access to Image grabber so I am unable to see what goes wrong, but I am pretty sure that it is Image grabber authentication use related.

    Anyone some experience on this? This has been a frustration for more than 6 months and I need a doctor ;) 
  • Don't have Axis cams but can tell u it works fine with Foscams.
  • jordenjorden Member
    edited January 2018
    SDK Version2  is now available in the app store! 

    Just noticed that the "Image Grabbed" trigger does not work. Will try to solve that tomorrow.
  • jorden said:
    SDK Version2  is now available in the app store! 

    Just noticed that the "Image Grabbed" trigger does not work. Will try to solve that tomorrow.
    here it works @jorden
  • glijie said:
    here it works @jorden
    Strange, perhaps I need to set it up New again
  • jorden said:
    Strange, perhaps I need to set it up New again
    I used the wrong IP/URL combination for my cam, the trigger works without a problem now I corrected it :)
  • Is the new version perhaps slower than it was previously? Or is it just me?

    Usually, when someone rang the doorbell, I got the image almost instantly. Now I get it up to 10 seconds later once there is no one at the door anymore. I have the impression that there is now a bit of a delay between Image Grabber’s “Grab Image” and “When an Image is grabbed” since test messages with Telegram seem to be instant. 
  • satellietjesatellietje Member
    edited January 2018
    I got the same.
    Directly from the hikvision DS-2CD2335FWD-I camera 20 sec per image to telegram. So 3 images from 3 camera's in one flow 60 sec.
    The images are made immediately. The time on all 3 images is are the same. The delay must be somewhere in the sending.

    With the previous version it was immediately without delay

  • Also, I posted this in the Telegram thread, but it's of course more relevant here...

    basically, I have a flow to grab an image from my IP cam, and a second flow which will send the image to myself and to my wife. 

    However! While I get the correct image every single time... my wife gets EXACTLY the same image every time (you can see from the IP cam time stamp), and the image is an image that was grabbed yesterday when someone rang the doorbell...

    SO! I noticed that there are two image tokens. “image” (small i) gives the correct picture, while “Image” (capital i) was giving old images. 

    I updated the second action to use “image” and now the images are always correct. See screenshot attached. 

    2.PNG 778.4K
    1.png 77.2K
  • I was using image, 20 sec wait time between every Image.
  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited January 2018
    ;Veldkornet : Nice find! Good to know. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
  • I still have issues grabbing images from my Axis cam.

    The grabber flow works with other images, also works if I enable anonymous login to the cam.

    As soon as I re-enable the authentication the flow does not work using:

    Above URLs also work in browsers

    Homey logger does not have access to Image grabber so I am unable to see what goes wrong, but I am pretty sure that it is Image grabber authentication use related.

    Anyone some experience on this? This has been a frustration for more than 6 months and I need a doctor ;) 
    Seems that on the new Axis cams Image grabber does not work due to authentication issues. It works in all browsers just not with Image grabber. Older cams and other cams work.
  • I still have issues grabbing images from my Axis cam.

    The grabber flow works with other images, also works if I enable anonymous login to the cam.

    As soon as I re-enable the authentication the flow does not work using:

    Above URLs also work in browsers

    Homey logger does not have access to Image grabber so I am unable to see what goes wrong, but I am pretty sure that it is Image grabber authentication use related.

    Anyone some experience on this? This has been a frustration for more than 6 months and I need a doctor ;) 
    Seems that on the new Axis cams Image grabber does not work due to authentication issues. It works in all browsers just not with Image grabber. Older cams and other cams work.
    I found a way to debug, shows that it is an authentication issue: 

    {"datetime":"2018-01-21T21:23:43.280Z","message":"A20 action.http_get","data":{"status":401,"response":"\n\n\n\n



    This server could not verify that you\nare authorized to access the document\nrequested. Either you supplied the wrong\ncredentials (e.g., bad password), or your\nbrowser doesn't understand how to supply\nthe credentials required.

    Does Image grabber add something to the URL as it works in browsers just not with Homey?
  • VeldkornetVeldkornet Member
    edited January 2018
    I still have issues grabbing images from my Axis cam.

    The grabber flow works with other images, also works if I enable anonymous login to the cam.

    As soon as I re-enable the authentication the flow does not work using:

    Above URLs also work in browsers

    Homey logger does not have access to Image grabber so I am unable to see what goes wrong, but I am pretty sure that it is Image grabber authentication use related.

    Anyone some experience on this? This has been a frustration for more than 6 months and I need a doctor ;) 
    Seems that on the new Axis cams Image grabber does not work due to authentication issues. It works in all browsers just not with Image grabber. Older cams and other cams work.
    I found a way to debug, shows that it is an authentication issue: 

    {"datetime":"2018-01-21T21:23:43.280Z","message":"A20 action.http_get","data":{"status":401,"response":"\n\n\n\n



    This server could not verify that you\nare authorized to access the document\nrequested. Either you supplied the wrong\ncredentials (e.g., bad password), or your\nbrowser doesn't understand how to supply\nthe credentials required.

    Does Image grabber add something to the URL as it works in browsers just not with Homey?
    Are you able to grab an image via something like cURL?

    curl “http://username:password@[camera-ip-address]/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi“ -o snap.jpg
  • Thanks, I have the same issue
  • wjay said:
    Thanks, I have the same issue
    The first issue was fixed by rebooting Homey, the second is not a problem in my app but with the Homey tokens.
  • Does someone has also issues with the Image Grabber app in combination with Hikvision Camera's?

    I use http://user:password@ip-address/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/1/picture or http://user:password@ip-address/Streaming/channels/1/picture which in a browser shows me directly the picture. 

    In Image Grabber it continues to search, without result. Any clue?
  • sauk1sauk1 Unconfirmed, Member
    I am having problems with the app and image grabbing. I wanted one flow and use grab an image when a door bell is pressed. The image is then immediately sent to Telegram.

    The problem is that if I use the tag in the Tag menu the image is only grabbed once, then sent every time. If I restart the app it grabs a new image.

    Do I have to create another flow reacting to image grabbed and using the card tag instead?
  • sauk1 said:
    I am having problems with the app and image grabbing. I wanted one flow and use grab an image when a door bell is pressed. The image is then immediately sent to Telegram.

    The problem is that if I use the tag in the Tag menu the image is only grabbed once, then sent every time. If I restart the app it grabs a new image.

    Do I have to create another flow reacting to image grabbed and using the card tag instead?
    Check the token case. Depending on where you get the tag from during flow creation (the global tag pool or the app card), there are two different image tokens. “Image” and “image”. 
    You need to have the one with the lower case “i” if I’m not mistaken. “image”. 
  • sauk1sauk1 Unconfirmed, Member
    edited August 2018
    Check the token case. Depending on where you get the tag from during flow creation (the global tag pool or the app card), there are two different image tokens. “Image” and “image”. 
    You need to have the one with the lower case “i” if I’m not mistaken. “image”. 
    I have tried both but using the "image" gives no image and the "Image" gives the same pic every time. Any clues?

    Do you have to make two flows, where one uses When-command Image grabbed (status change) to be able to use "image" correctly?
  • sauk1 said:
    Do you have to make two flows, where one uses When-command Image grabbed (status change) to be able to use "image" correctly?
    Correct. 1 flow with “grab image” in the THEN colom and, after that, 1 flow in the WHEN colom with “image was grabbed”
    on the last card is the image token u have to use.
  • sauk1 said:
    I have tried both but using the "image" gives no image and the "Image" gives the same pic every time. Any clues?

    Do you have to make two flows, where one uses When-command Image grabbed (status change) to be able to use "image" correctly?
    That is indeed the correct way of doing it.
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