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How do I make a flow to set thermostat temperature between times?

I'm struggling trying to create flows to schedule heating. Could somebody help me with the logic or share their flows.
At first I thought it might be triggered by the temperature, e.g. something like:
WHEN: temperature changes, then AND temp is less than 21.5 AND Time is Between 16:30 & 22:30 , AND The day is between Monday and Friday, THEN set temperature to 21.5.
But what happens happens for the ELSE? And maybe this creates too much Z-wave traffic for 14 thermostats x 4 set points per day?
So is a better option to use the day as a trigger. If so, how can I set based on the day of the week? The date time doesn't seem to include that option as a card?
At first I thought it might be triggered by the temperature, e.g. something like:
WHEN: temperature changes, then AND temp is less than 21.5 AND Time is Between 16:30 & 22:30 , AND The day is between Monday and Friday, THEN set temperature to 21.5.
But what happens happens for the ELSE? And maybe this creates too much Z-wave traffic for 14 thermostats x 4 set points per day?
So is a better option to use the day as a trigger. If so, how can I set based on the day of the week? The date time doesn't seem to include that option as a card?
IF time is 07:00
AND (set your conditions: you are home, it is cold outside, it is a Monday...)
THAN (set thermostats on valves)
This controls several valves with one flow, but I do need several flows per (work)day and others for the weekend.
This is why I would love to see a Thermostat App ....:
These 5 flows are to control my bathroom:
And here an example of an actual flow (name is blank for privacy):
Looking at your example, I don't quote understand. Would you mind clarifying:
- the time is 10:00
1. It's the weekend?
2. This person is home?
3. 'Energ' is groter dan - what does that one mean and where do you get it from?
1. Set the temperature of one valve to something
2. Set the temperature of another valve to something
3. ??? Do something with another flow??
(I don't know how the trigger "Every..." works for days):
Every new day it it will trigger once, check the AND and that's it. It will not trigger again that day, but THE NEXT DAY.
You could run it every hour. Or very x minutes.
My flow (doesn't run every x minutes, but once a day at the set time)
- the time is 10:00
1. It's the weekend? => Correct
2. This person is home? => Correct (checks if I am home)
3. 'Energy' is groter dan - what does that one mean and where do you get it from?
=> Here I check another condition. Should not be relevant to you (it checks if the heater is actually running, by checking the power consumption of a power plug. Don't adjust the valves if the heater id switched off, to save the valves battery. Hey, I am Dutch :-) ).
1. Set the temperature of one valve to something YEP
2. Set the temperature of another valve to something YEP
3. ??? Do something with another flow?? => this creates a log item in the App Paper trails. No other action.
Here is another example to inspire you...:
Every 15 minutes this flows compare the DESIRED TEMPERATURE versus the ACTUAL TEMPERATURE. It will trigger the action (a valve / a thermostat / whatever) and write to the log what these two values were when being triggered.
You also have to create flows per room to set the DESIRED TEMPERATURE during the various times of the day/night/weekend. So, for my bathroom alone I had to create 5 flows (ddw = doordeweeks = weekdays. w/e = weekend):
This is the 7AM flow, which will only be valid if I am home and it is a working day:
...actually depressed me. I'm trying to replicate a heating control with as as few flows as possible, but 14 thermostats x 4 set points per day x 7 days per week, plus an 'away/holiday mode' at this rate will require around 400 flows, if it's really true that we can't set multiple on & off times in a single flow.
I'm wondering if maybe setting states using something like the state control app might help, but not being a programmer, I can't really get my head round it.
You're welcome!
400 flows not needed...:
- you will need flows per room (all setting the same temp / valve / thermostat)
- you will need flows per set point
- and sets for workdays / weekends / vacation
A brief look at my setup shows around 28 flows.
Again; a dedicated App would ideal.