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Closed Official RF RF-433 SDK2
[App] ScreenLine Remote (v0.0.6) [WIP][Alpha Invite only]

ScreenLine Remote - main discussion topic
Work in Progress / Alpha available

Just to Inform you: I am working on a 433 App for the ScreenLine Remote.
The remote is produced by Pellini for their blinds between glass and sold under different names in various countries (fe : inblindz a.o. in The Netherlands)
The ScreenLine Remote type SL2392S159: and the corresponding receiver SL1963:

The Remote has 99 channels and one Group channel (00) where all registered Receivers react.
The App is in an early alpha state, just working registering and transmitting a short Pulse signal.
Multiple short signals can be used to create the long Pulse to Raise / lower complete.
Development is at the moment done by reverse engineering.
Current version: 0.0.5 Apha
Please contact me / send an PM with your Homey registered email if You want to test.
(I just want to make sure it works before I release something public)
- Validate working signal at multiple Remotes/ Receivers
- Add Single button Up/Down
- Add separate Short Signals for Tilt
- Add tilt capability
- Calibration (for Height and Tilt )
- ....
Please note that this is a community App and is not official from inblindz or ScreenLine®/Pellini and there will be no support from inblindz, Pellini or Pellinindustrie concerning this App.
This discussion has been closed.
I am in contact with inblindz and the Dutch representative in The Netherlands,
I borrowed a second remote and receiver to test and found a working signal definition that also works with the first Community member that contacted me.
The first tryout is recently re-written with help from Athom as a SDK2 App using the homey-config-composer and homey-rfdriver.
everything looks good, if time and development skills permit I hope to release a full featured app shortly
De app in de app-store geeft een dode link dus daar kom ik niet verder.
Begin dit jaar komen er screenline blinds bij ons en dan zou ik er mee willen testen icm Homey.
Bij ons komen er screenline jaloezieën in 2 maanden en zou perfect zijn als wij die via Homey kunnen bedienen!
Wat zijn je plannen om verder te komen met de APP voor screenline? Zou ook graag tzt willen testen!
Alvast bedankt, Jos