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Xiaomi Cube (Zigbee) - usability - options - how to - discussion

RuudvBRuudvB Member
edited March 2018 in Devices
As I already suggested in another thread:
BTW the cube is a really funny device. So many different options, just the usability... I think the cube deserves its own thread on this forum, just to feature all use cases that the community comes up with.

First a list of actions where the cube reacts on:
- Movement, Slide
- Movement, Shake
- Roll 90 degrees - specific face on top
- Roll 180 degrees - specific face on top
- From specific face to specific face
- Turning, specific angle, left or right
- Battery level

The above are the ones I "discovered". There could be more..? Maybe the shake/slide movement is only one?

My son and me have played around with several scenario's just for fun. Some things are practical, others are not so. Some examples:

Working well:
Turn left, right as in volume up/down or light dim up/down.

Not so advisable:
Shaking, as in all lights off.
Sometimes even the smallest bump to the table would leave us all in the dark... :)

This is where I stand at the moment, just feel free to jump in with your personal idea's and experiences. 


  • @RuudvB could you share some of the flows you’re using to inspire others?
  • Oy1974 said:
    Cool! Did you print this yourself on some kind of sticker?
  • RuudvB said:
    Cool! Did you print this yourself on some kind of sticker?
    Jup, printed tranparent labels and cutting it on the right size
  • RuudvB said:

    Not so advisable:
    Shaking, as in all lights off.
    Sometimes even the smallest bump to the table would leave us all in the dark... :)

    True that. Even putting ur lighter on the table makes this flow run.
  • 2mv2mv Member
    I bought the cube but told nobody about it. Then made a flow for every action the cube has and made homey talk a different riddle for every action. 
    And put it on the floor in the middle of the living room.
    It didn't took long before my young kids discovered it. Sheer fun!
  • Any flows to share guys?
    I have a flow for turning my Sonos volume up/down. Sonos running on my Synology.
    In a php file i request the actual volume and increase it by 5% every time i turn the cube to the right, decrease it by 5% when turning to the left. Even the wife grabs the cube for turning the volume up instead of looking for the remote!
  • Oy1974 said:
    2x knocking homey gives a command to the logitech hub to put my Teufel on, and starts Spotify. 

    Roting the cube changing my volume of the Teufel.

    Pauze, play, previous and next song
  • nsansa Member
    Also here turning Sonos volume right=up left=down...i used steps of 0.05 in order not to get the volume to fast too loud... It works great.

    Ratating 90 degrees is getting our favorite radio station, and rotating it 90 degrees again gets another radio station. The same for rotating 180 degrees.

    2 times knocking turns music on our off...

    And moving the cube tells our son to stop talking and start eating (including lights movement on homey
  • At the moment it's connected to 4 lamps and my TV. It tels you which side it's (device) on if you rotate it. Double tap for on en rotating for dimming or volume changing.

    Shaking it let homey ask me if he can shut everything down (leaving the house)
  • MaxerMaxer Member
    Im made one when I shake the cube, Homey is asking my wife to get me a cold beer.
    I think I have to remove it or she will  remove me or the homey ;-)

  • Been playing with the cube. Nice!

    Have a hard time getting the '2 x kloppen' to work. How fast do you need to knock the cube. And is it a mild tap of do you have to knock it hard?
  • @Eternity it is knocking with the cube; not on the cube
  • @TedTolboom wonder it didn't work... 

  • Eternity said:
    @TedTolboom wonder it didn't work... 

    LOL it was a long shot, but something in the phrasing of your comment triggered this remark...
    normally, I would have responded with RTFM.... but that’s a bit harsh with Xiaomi devices...
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited March 2018
    Dear Cube owners,

    Slowly I am befriending the Cube. Flipping and tapping are clear to me now. Blush blush...
    Next are the rotation and moving... 

    Moving the Cube

    The trigger card has 3 labels (Target face,  Source face and Cube Beweging (English and Dutch are mixed here). Does anyone have a flow example of a way this is used?

    Thanks for helping and your patience!

    Dimming with the Cube
    I would like to use the Cube to dim lights. I have a Dim Slider that works with other flows (and in HomeyDash). How to use the rotation of the Cube to dim my lights?

    Managed to get it to work :-)
    I made these 2 flows,  a Better Logic variable (named Dim-slider) and the Cube's relative rotation.
    My Hue lights copy the value of the Dim_slider, which is updated by the Cube's relative rotation.


    Yes, the manuals are not only tiny, they are in Chinese too!
    I read a couple of times. That was of great help!
  • Eternity said:

    Managed to get it to work :-)

    Is this actualy working ok?
  • No...the cubes rotation does effect dimming, but it is not stable. I guess the delay is to big to work correctly with Hue. 
  • Thought so. Dimming the Hue with this ends up with -0.14 and next turn can be -0.09 or something in the +
  • angrangr Member
    Oy1974 said:
    2x knocking homey gives a command to the logitech hub to put my Teufel on, and starts Spotify. 

    Roting the cube changing my volume of the Teufel.

    Pauze, play, previous and next song
    Do you do all of the actions via logitech/harmony?  Not directly via Homey and the Spotify-app at all?  

    I've tried using the Spotify-app but it's not performing well so far. 
  • angrangr Member

    Eternity said:
    No...the cubes rotation does effect dimming, but it is not stable. I guess the delay is to big to work correctly with Hue. 
    Thanks for the inspiration though! This works very well with Fibaro Dimmer2;

  • Nice to read @angr !

  • angr said:
    Do you do all of the actions via logitech/harmony?  Not directly via Homey and the Spotify-app at all?  

    I've tried using the Spotify-app but it's not performing well so far. 

    Volume is handeld by harmony -->teufel

    Play pauze next previous directly with the spotify app
  • You cab simply use 'group devices' app to make a group of some lights and dim them all at once. Uses virtual devices.
  • Just received the cube. But didn't find any real use for it, only some fun-things:

    If Flip90, then set Hue to random color (hue app)


    If Shaken, then tell 'The temperature today will ben xx' (open weather app)

  • I have no stickers on it yet. The 18+ dice that i've seen on Slack is a nice idea too....  :D
  • Hi,

    did anyone experience problems with xiaomi zigbee devices since updat to 1.5.9 ? My zigbee xiaomi devices show up as “not connected” ???
  • jeroen_s said:

    did anyone experience problems with xiaomi zigbee devices since updat to 1.5.9 ? My zigbee xiaomi devices show up as “not connected” ???
    I think you can better ask this question over here: Or check for similar problems over here:

    This topic is only about user cases of the Cube. ;) 
  • viixviix Member
    How do you guys use the rotation to effect the change smoothly and accurately since the rotation can jump a bit too much during a rotation. I was thinking if there is a way to smooth out that rotation via some kind of step based incremental variable as long as there is clockwise rotation and vice versa. Trying the figure it out with flow cards but I'm getting no where..
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