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Homey Music

How can I use the homey music? I have some Denon speakers, and also some Spotify Connect speakers (Google chrome etc).
How do i get it to play one of my Spotify playlist?
I have in my bathroom a Fibaro dimmer, and did connect a 2 way switch, i would like one of the switches to control the Denon Heos speaker. So i can have a flow that if S2 clicked once, play my girlfriends playlist, if clicked twich/no more motion stop playiing. If clicked 3 times play my playlist.
How can I use the homey music? I have some Denon speakers, and also some Spotify Connect speakers (Google chrome etc).
How do i get it to play one of my Spotify playlist?
I have in my bathroom a Fibaro dimmer, and did connect a 2 way switch, i would like one of the switches to control the Denon Heos speaker. So i can have a flow that if S2 clicked once, play my girlfriends playlist, if clicked twich/no more motion stop playiing. If clicked 3 times play my playlist.
Its a more easy way 2 go then Homey maybe did from the begining, sometime thats the right way to go.
When will Homey 2.0 be realeased? Is it 1 month, 1 year, 2 years?
So? There is nothing there my Google Home Mini (30 euro) can't do. And that's the hardware Athom now tells us will be the way to interface by voice. So why even bother about Homey music?
It just does not make sense. They say they drop the voice interface and that you better use Alexa or Google, and those are just wayyyyyyyyy better in doing the music.
In my house I can just say 'Hey GooGoo, play the last album of U2 in the bedroom' without having to pre program a playlist etyc. Homey will just be stumped, And again Athom tells us that we better use that hardware to get voice interface. It just does not make sense.
And still they advertise with music and voice on their own website. And still all boxed copies in stores speak about voice interface. I love Athom but that is just not right. That's dishonest. That's cheating customers.
But perhaps you only listen to a few albums. In that case Homey will work fine after you invest half an hour on flows.
walk into the kitchen, it continues playing there
walk upstairs, it continues playing there.
or do you always stay in 1 spot, then it is of course unnecessary
i can do that with homey, or rather i Do do that with homey, it is not just starting a playlist...
it can also be everything around it, as i really don't need the music having playing through my entire house, constantly, only if i (and/or some else) is really in that room.
or slowly lower the volume when going to sleep.
or pause the music when i leave the house.
or continue playing as soon as i open the door.
and that, without saying 1 word at all
But again I don't use homey as a music player but a "things" player / scripter. If I need multiple things to happen at the same time then it is a homey flow if I need to do a single task I would be using a talk command like Google home or simply manually finding the album in spotify and select the speaker through spotify connect.
Homey is great for scripting reactions. Like turn off the lights when.. X or turn on the lights and play the playlist "Relaxed" when the main door opens and you are the first at home. Those things I don't even need to speak to activate. And to be honest I still find talk interfaces a bit robotic and silly sometimes, so I rather try and predict actions instead of having to command them like a soldier
So personally I like the change of focus to a better rules and device engine. Instead of wasting resources on building another media manager just because of the NIH syndrome