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Home Energy Cosumption / aka Homewizard Energylink replacement.



  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited January 2016
    Ah, ok I didn't know the wifi functionality is part of the used processor. The reason I asked is because I feel that anything that has no need to be wireless should be connected wired. I share your point on having good wifi everywhere, that's why I try to ban everything from it that's not a mobile device
  • you can make a realy good wirless network. based on mesh so all accesspoints work on same frequency as one network with cloudtrax . you can see the aps on 
    Its really good stuff and cheap if you compare it to the other mesh networking products.
    It also has nice features like hotspot network for youre guests etc.
    They sell them cheap at

  • I am really interessed in this project by @DaneeDeKruyff , please write me on the list for a unit. :)
  • Me to! 
  • Me HW user and like energy link (and heatlink) a lot. Homey is ordered. 
  • Same here :smile: 
  • Guys, it's not my project, it's @denniedegroot's project.

  • I will be following this!
  • Haha i also got some private messages about "my" project.
    I wish i could design it but all credits are for denniedegroot

    And don't worry, he already said he would make it open source. But maybee for him its smart to somehow sell the printboards . Some money just to buy an extra large bottle of Whisky or a weekend in Centre Parks with the kids payed from this project is Always nice.
    But thats something Dannie should decide. I would make a donation if he would open a donation account
  • For the people who can't wait maybe this is a solution They are also a dutch company. The device itself seems to be a zwave/zigbee controller but mainly for logging you're energy meter.
    Don't have it myself but I would like to have it as soon as my energy meter will be replaced.

  • YamahaaYamahaa Member
    edited January 2016
    Great but just like the heatlink en energylink not  (fully) supported i guess  There are a lot of HW users now with a heatlink en energylink. Who like to step over in the future to Hmey. So supporting the HW stuf sounds more commercial. Also for HW. Product stay wanted. 
  • Yes,energylink support would be beter!
  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited January 2016
    cautje said:
    Yes,energylink support would be beter!

    As mentioned, this will mostlikely be no option at all.
    Homewizard will not give support / access to there biggest compatitor at the moment with the only thing they have and home does not yet.

    The print Danee is devving is problebly gonna be as good, maybee better because he is gonna make it open source.

  • The fibaro-stuff is expensive, aren't they? Plugwise seems cheaper to me. They already support Homey, though only with the stretch, and there are hacks for Plugwise stick... When buying 9 plugs there's a price of 34 per plug... When bought seperately, it's 37 euro per plug (circle)
  • mruiter said:
    The print Danee is devving is problebly gonna be as good, maybee better because he is gonna make it open source.
    DennieDeGroot is developing this!
  • DennieDeGroot is developing this!

    oh oh oh that's gotta slap me in the face.  yes Dennie is. Al those Dannies.  but the lesson is. don't drive and be on the athom forum at the same time ;)
  • I  just had a chat with Fabian from iungo about their energy meter. 
     There is a api and they are asking athom to the possibilities for support. 

    I couldn't wait and have ordered the iungo lite. 
  • Why Energylink, I myself had a HomeWizard and Energylink. I've sold all my HW stuff when I pre-ordered Homey in April. In the mean time waiting on Homey, I installed Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi which was laying around and bought a P1-Usb cable.
    Total cost €45 for a complete setup.  
    As I mentioned before, support for Domoticz would be a cheap and good solution
  • BasPost said:
    Why Energylink, I myself had a HomeWizard and Energylink. I've sold all my HW stuff when I pre-ordered Homey in April. In the mean time waiting on Homey, I installed Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi which was laying around and bought a P1-Usb cable.
    Total cost €45 for a complete setup.  
    As I mentioned before, support for Domoticz would be a cheap and good solution
    Nice P1 but what about 2 or more pulse ports. that's why this thread started ;)
  • When do you need more ports?
  • YamahaaYamahaa Member
    edited January 2016
    Water, slimme meter, solarpanels electric car bike generator etc...if you have more years of experience with domotica you wil find new ideas every day...
  • Oh, those are all the same P1?
    Ah, got it then.
  • If you want to do something with that saving usage, than you need a port....
  • BasPostBasPost Member
    edited January 2016
    mruiter said:
    BasPost said:
    Why Energylink, I myself had a HomeWizard and Energylink. I've sold all my HW stuff when I pre-ordered Homey in April. In the mean time waiting on Homey, I installed Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi which was laying around and bought a P1-Usb cable.
    Total cost €45 for a complete setup.  
    As I mentioned before, support for Domoticz would be a cheap and good solution
    Nice P1 but what about 2 or more pulse ports. that's why this thread started
    A Raspberry Pi B+ or 2, has 4 usb ports, I've got also a watermeter connected (Brincks HRI on a Sensus 620 and a S0PCM5 usb) to a usb port, a zwave usb stick and a rfxtrx433E usb. So much more solutions with Domoticz. When Homey fullfills my needs, I'm going to sell the zwave usb stick and rfxtrx433e, so that I only read my P1 port and HRI and hopefully send the data through Domoticz to Homey

  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited January 2016
    but thats through domotics to homey

    Why always through bla and bla and then nog effies via Ifttt to command ..... ;)

    But not to bitchslap youre comment, every idea is welcome.
    I still think Dannies print looks the most prommissing 
  • @DaneeDeKruyff adding ethernet is technically possible, but I currently do not have the time to redesign the complete schematic/pcb. For me this is only a hobby project and wifi was good enough for me because I don't have ethernet near my smartmeter.
  • I know for sure that Homewizard will not give any source code or possability to Homey to communicate to the energylink. Energylink is a great product especially because it makes multiple pulse connections possible and a p1 in one box. So exactly as Dennie is planned to do; a PCB witch makes it possible to Connect the P1 and 2 pulse connectors like s0, s1, and communicate with Homey will make THE perfect energylink alternative and i know for sure this will sell real good; or dyi.
  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited January 2016
    just got home from work. hope to have some time this weekend to cook op a case for dennie.
    First a long bath while looking the new season 3 blacklist.... ( makes you wonder, how to take homey with you to bath... Ok homey, control wife to bring cold beer if state is in fridge and wife is home else wake up kids and run rescuebeerplan2)
    If only the kids will leave me alone. Like we dutch people say. Kinderen zijn hinderen
  • @DennieDeGroot Any news on your great project? :smiley: 
  • Yes I do have some news. So a few months ago my first prototype pcb's arrived. I assembled a few and verified that they were working (P1 and the 2 pulse ports). However a housing was still an issue. @mruiter has offered to create a housing, but I have had so many responses that a 3D printed housing is not really suitable anymore. So I started doing a redesign which fits into an existing case. The redesigned pcb's arrived a couple of weeks ago and are partly soldered. I am still waiting on some components. Once all of the components have arrived I can verify the hardware and will assemble some boards for the Homey community.

    p1.png 32.3K
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