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Homey Smartphone App (Preview)



  • BozoBozo Member
    edited October 2017
    I can't download the app on my Lenovo TB3 with android 5.0.1
    Google says it's a incompatable  system (i can't see homey-beta in app-store, so i download the link to the tablet).
    Why ? I don;t know the reason.
  • Bozo said:
    I can't download the app on my Lenovo TB3 with android 5.0.1
    Google says it's a incompatable  system (i can't see homey-beta in app-store, so i download the link to the tablet).
    Why ? I don;t know the reason.
    The new Beta app doesn't support tablets yet. That's by design.
  • Works fine on samsung s7 edge much better then old homey app, however would also appreciate tablet version, will this be very difficult?

  • it's a beta... will come in time....
  • Please add some recent activity when viewing a device. For example:

    Opening up the Door Sensor, you would like to know what it done. Like in the Homewizard app. You could easily see when the door was opened today etc.

    That would be awesome for a user. Also when developing flows. You sometimes need to quickly understand what happend with the device. 
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited October 2017
    quakerix said:
    Please add some recent activity when viewing a device. For example:

    Opening up the Door Sensor, you would like to know what it done. Like in the Homewizard app. You could easily see when the door was opened today etc.

    That would be awesome for a user. Also when developing flows. You sometimes need to quickly understand what happend with the device. 
    Valid input but requests needs to be added to Github as stated in the startpost, Athom uses Github for bug tracking and feature requests, posts on the forum get lost along the way

    wimpy said:
    Works fine on samsung s7 edge much better then old homey app, however would also appreciate tablet version, will this be very difficult?

    It's in the start post, tablet support comes later :) 
  • Valid input but requests needs to be added to Github as stated in the startpost, Athom uses Github for bug tracking and feature requests, posts on the forum get lost along the way

    It's in the start post, tablet support comes later :) 
    I know but would appreciate that very much as many people use a tablet to control homey as voice control still not reliable
  • wimpy said:
    I know but would appreciate that very much as many people use a tablet to control homey as voice control still not reliable
    Tablet support will be there when it's official released until then every update can bring a suprise gift :) 
  • The newest beta is very useful with the settings for homey. 
  • Denn1992 said:
    Are there coming widgets for Android on this app?
    OMG yeah, really hoping for this feature. Most used lights through widget / widget on/off button
  • Signed up for the iOS beta right after the beta announcement but still no invitation. Would really like to test the beta and provide feedback. Are there more people still waiting for an invite?
  • elgar said:
    Signed up for the iOS beta right after the beta announcement but still no invitation. Would really like to test the beta and provide feedback. Are there more people still waiting for an invite?
    Nope, got it here.
  • elgar said:
    Signed up for the iOS beta right after the beta announcement but still no invitation. Would really like to test the beta and provide feedback. Are there more people still waiting for an invite?
    Yes, but didn't need the invitation longer and there is no way to cancel the request.
  • Is it possible to change something in the setup for the switches, as for now the only indication is left/right position.
    In homeydash also the switch changes color from hazy to dark.
  • Voice synthesis started working for me with the updated app (v0.6.0.106)
  • Signed up for the iOS beta right after the beta announcement but still no invitation.
  • home78home78 Member
    edited October 2017
    Moved the following to GitHub, appologies.

    Its only after a few days I found out there is actually a filter that limits the devices in the devicelist to the ones in a certain zone. I have a few suggestions (for the iOS app):
    • the open door icon does not indicate it can be used as a filter, change it to something more obvious
    • is it possible to mark certain devices as favorite (and hide non-favorites by default)
    • or even better: make it possible to create "views", let the user assign devices to one or more views and make it possible to select a view showing only devices assigned to it
    • make it possible to dim, change color, etc. a device from the device screen itself (currently it is only possible to turn a device on or off)
    • show or hide devices that are not controllable (eg. sensors)
    • show or hide flows, insights, app in device detail screen
    • assign rights (read/write/none) for users to certain zones (so that I can make the app appear simpler for my family)
  • home78home78 Member
    edited October 2017
    Moved the following to GitHub where it belongs.

    Settings (in iOS app, build 5):
    • Trying to open Led Ring in settings screen makes the app crash. 
    • Changing Voice Settings, Playback rate shows "Something went wrong". Trying to change Playback voice immediately shows "Something went wrong". 
    • Selecting Insights settings from settings takes a while to load (no spinner) but when its finished and you select Storage usage during scrolling several times "Something went wrong" appears although everything seems to work fine.
    • Location screen does not show correct location. After changing, returning back to the main screen and again going to the location screen the location is still incorrect (unchanged from before). Also Find my location automatically switch settings is not saved.
    • Opening General settings: An unknown error occurred, Retry appears. Furthermore a message "Connection with Homey lost" and a countdown is shown. After retrying a few times, the screen seems to load just fine.
    • Settings for third-party apps only show a static page.
  • All signups until 11/1/2017 10:01:08 CET have been processed. If you enrolled before this date, but haven't received an invitation yet, please contact and include the email address that you have entered during the signup
  • Till now the ios app beta works good, nog bugs found! 
  • longkailongkai Member
    edited November 2017
    The device list does not show the zone that a device belongs to, resulting in a long list of "Lights". Of course I could rename each "Lights" device to also include the Zone name, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having Zones.

    (Someone else already listed this on Github as an enhancement request, so I won't duplicate it there. IMHO it's a bug though, not an enhancement.)

    EDIT: referring to the Android app. Did not try iOS yet.
  • In combination with iOS 11.2 beta the app crashes after showing the rotating loading indicator.
  • 0burner00burner0 Member
    edited November 2017
    Martijn said:
    In combination with iOS 11.2 beta the app crashes after showing the rotating loading indicator.
    Same here but I am @ 11.0.3 (on wifi and celuar)
  • Today the horizon ziggo app crashed in the beta ios app and als the ir samsung tv app
  • App version 0.7.0 also crashes on android 7.0. Already added to github issue
  • Louis28Louis28 Member
    edited November 2017
    The new app is already a massive improvement. If only the new GUI would look somewhat like the style of Athoms website. That would be really awesome. 
  • kukeltje said:
    Synthesize 'on' does not result in speech output on my Samsung S7 nor on the S7 of my GF.  App has all 'rights' and volume is turned up. Anybody experienced the same?
    When I open Chat, it shows a blue bar with the text  "SYNTHESIZE ON" but gives no speech output. When I press on the blue bar it shows the text "SYNTHESIZE OFF" and DOES give speech. Imho it should be the other way around. 
  • @Micha1980 : You think that's related to the experimental new app? Can you reproduce this?
    @dians : did you try to re-install like mentioned in the (now closed)

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited November 2017
    CorvdNiet said:
    When I open Chat, it shows a blue bar with the text  "SYNTHESIZE ON" but gives no speech output. When I press on the blue bar it shows the text "SYNTHESIZE OFF" and DOES give speech. Imho it should be the other way around. 

    In my opinion it works as it needs to. It works just like a mediaplayer or spotify like VLC on your PC/phone, play button is shown and when you press it starts then it changes into the pause button to pause the song/movie what you are watching. 

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