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Homey Smartphone App (Preview)



  • caseda said:
    @Seraphim this is workings only,  looks later beta, gui is still bound to change a lot
    Let's wait and see....i am really looking forward to the new app.
  • Video: 
    And images can be found on Google Play Store itself:
    Thx for sharing the video, looking good sofar!
  • What a nice app.
    The first time i read about this i thought;   How is it possible to program in a small screen,  but now i see the possibilitys.
    looking forward to the real app already.
    For now it seems to work fine.

    @MrDutchfighter ;  Thx for making this video.
    A few things you taped i was not aware off.
    This is a nice way to show people how things work.
  • Very nice start, like it already. Keep up the good work!
  • Out of the Software update (link to be able to signup for iOS testing):
    Homey Smartphone App
    Good news! The new smartphone app is available for bèta testing. Android users can get it in the Google Play Storeand iPhone users can signup here for early access.

  • First impressions: quick, more devices on a page and nice to see more options.
    Second impression: insights not visible, only their storage usage. Some missing options, like not beïng able to move your devices around, thus creating your own mini dashboard...

    Third impression: I can only turn my Aeotec siren on. Not off. NOT FUNNY! <span>:wink:</span>
    It also states the siren to be on in the first place, even if it is off. When I then flick the switch the siren sounds and cannot be turned off again (turned it off with the official app).

    Also: all devices are online since 13:37? ...
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited October 2017
    Mecallie said:
    First impressions: quick, more devices on a page and nice to see more options.
    Second impression: insights not visible, only their storage usage. Some missing options, like not beïng able to move your devices around, thus creating your own mini dashboard...

    Third impression: I can only turn my Aeotec siren on. Not off. NOT FUNNY! <span>:wink:</span>
    It also states the siren to be on in the first place, even if it is off. When I then flick the switch the siren sounds and cannot be turned off again (turned it off with the official app).

    Also: all devices are online since 13:37? ...
     it's BETA so it will have issues, it's released to find those problems and as asked in the software update from last night to report those at the Github of Athom :)
  • Funktioniert mit dem Galaxy S2 Tab! 
  • I signedup for the IOS beta, but did I not get selected ore has there been no communication so far?
  • 0burner0 said:
    I signedup for the IOS beta, but did I not get selected ore has there been no communication so far?
    @0burner0 all the applications have to be processed manually; added to TestFlight etc... so I guess it will take some time
  • first look atthe app wow it is fast! 
  • any news from the IOS app i signedup lastweek.?
  • i was added yesterday evening into testflight. and i signed up last saturday...

  • gldrenthe89gldrenthe89 Member
    edited October 2017
    Note: this app is in an early phase of development. Many more features will be added soon.

    Apart from massive speed improvements, with the next generation Homey app you can already do a lot more than with the previous version:

    - Chat  (turn synthesize on to let  Homey talk back through your phone)
    - Run flows from within the app
    - Manage apps
    - Alarms

    Android Homey Beta available on Google Play
    iPhone users can signup here for early access.
    Note: For now it's mobile only, tablet support will be added later

    Use this topic to talk about the new mobile app, don't forget it's still BETA

    Find any issues or have feature requests, report them on the Github of Athom
    I really find it a bad thing that android people can allready use this new app and iOS people stil have to wait.. And after an Edit on 13 october of the above we now have to sign up???

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited October 2017
    Note: this app is in an early phase of development. Many more features will be added soon.

    Apart from massive speed improvements, with the next generation Homey app you can already do a lot more than with the previous version:

    - Chat  (turn synthesize on to let  Homey talk back through your phone)
    - Run flows from within the app
    - Manage apps
    - Alarms

    Android Homey Beta available on Google Play
    iPhone users can signup here for early access.
    Note: For now it's mobile only, tablet support will be added later

    Use this topic to talk about the new mobile app, don't forget it's still BETA

    Find any issues or have feature requests, report them on the Github of Athom
    I really find it a bad thing that android people can allready use this new app and iOS people stil have to wait a LOOOONG time. And after an Edit on 13 october of the above we now have to sign up???

    Don't blame Athom for that, blame Apple :) That's how Apple works with the beta (testflight) solution. When using iOS (or apple devices in general) there are some more restrictions/limitations then on other OS. Also the review of an app that is submitted takes more time at Apple then at Google
  • Don't blame Athom for that, blame Apple :) That's how Apple works with the beta (testflight) solution. When using iOS (or apple devices in general) there are some more restrictions/limitations then on other OS. Also the review of an app that is submitted takes more time at Apple then at Google
    Okay. thanks for the explanation. 
  • I just got the Apple Invite for test flight and logged in. Looks like a good start this app!
  • quakerix said:
    I just got the Apple Invite for test flight and logged in. Looks like a good start this app!
    just got the invite and started the app as well, very fast and sleek! nice!
    will share my findings further during testing....
  • Just got the invite, app looks nice!
  • GratjeGratje Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm not receiving any push notifications to my galaxy S8 with the new APP.
    and again, bugreporting is annoying and split between the forum and github.

    edit: a new phone is added to my phones list:
    now I got a galaxy S8 and a new phone named unknown.
    if I select the unknown phone in the flow, the push notification works to the new homey app.
  • Gratje said:
    I'm not receiving any push notifications to my galaxy S8 with the new APP.
    and again, bugreporting is annoying and split between the forum and github.

    edit: a new phone is added to my phones list:
    now I got a galaxy S8 and a new phone named unknown.
    if I select the unknown phone in the flow, the push notification works to the new homey app.
    Well two different apps so two phone registrations. There is already a bugreport that the phone is set to unknown 

    Well it's quite simple the forum is more a community forum and github is the place athom official uses for bugs and feature requests 
  • fiekfiek Member
    edited October 2017
    The iOs  and Android  app are already an improvement. I just deleted the official app on both my devices
  • App looks good. Is there a way to also let the Phone make a sound when the alarm goes so you don't need to set another one at you're Phone it self.
  • MarkVMarkV Member
    edited October 2017
    Nice start. It feels faster which is one of the best features.

    Some things moving forward

    1. I would love to change the order of the devices in the device list 
    2. It would be nice if the apps remembers the last zone selected
    3. it would be really nice if the actions of Better Logic like press could be displayed directly in the device list!
    4. If I go to More..., Settings and click LED ring it jumps back to the main window.

    Cheers and good luck. Ps, like the new app icon.
  • MarkV said:
    Nice start. It feels faster which is one of the best features.

    Some things moving forward

    1. I would love to change the order of the devices in the device list 
    2. It would be nice if the apps remembers the last zone selected
    3. it would be really nice if the actions of Better Logic like press could be displayed directly in the device list!
    4. If I go to More..., Settings and click LED ring it jumps back to the main window.

    Cheers and good luck. Ps, like the new app icon.
    Thanks for your input, most requests are already as a request on the github of Athom. For bugs/feature request you need to submit them to the github of Athom so they can track and monitor your issues :) 
  • I am curious how flows will be made in the future. I like the actual building of flows but I am missing some kind of logic module toolbox to set up real flowcharts with triggers, if, than and else, case etc.

    I think it would be cool and would give me a lot of freedom in creating big flows when it will be possible just to "draw" a flowchart.
  • I have problems with the atag one. 
    The conection fails, and then he takes the wrong temperture.

  • Synthesize 'on' does not result in speech output on my Samsung S7 nor on the S7 of my GF.  App has all 'rights' and volume is turned up. Anybody experienced the same?
  • Yep, same here (iPhone 6S)
  • keverjeroenkeverjeroen Member
    edited October 2017
    Mdv1980 said:
    I have problems with the atag one. 
    The conection fails, and then he takes the wrong temperture.

    I have the same problem. I guess this happens because of the slider in the app. The slider gives realtime info to the thermostat, while you are still sliding. So it want's to send temperature settings like 20.47 and 20.82 and... etc.. The thermostat can't handle that.

    If you let loose the slider at for example 20.50 or 21, the thermostat will accept it.

    Did you make a issue on Github? Then I will add my information to it.
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