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Ikea Tradfri smart light products

arawnarawn Member
edited April 2018 in Ideas & Suggestions
I'm considering purchasing this product, but I can't seem to find the Ikea Tradfri products. It's a relative new product using the Zigbee Light Link system. Will the Homey support this?

This is the page for the products in Dutch. I'm unable to find another language besides Dutch and French



    (yes, we can finally link to decent search-results on the forum)

    In short: should be possible in the future but not yet...
  • Oh ok I missed that. Thank you!
  • Any update about this since the product will be available in the Netherlands from now on.
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited April 2017
  • Thanks for the information. It would be nice if Athom would support these devices without the use of the Hue bridge since these are different products.
  • JaapPeltJaapPelt Member
    edited April 2017
    Is het niet handig oom ook de IKEA hub te ondersteunen?

  • Or just only the bulbs ?
  • I don't expect Athom to implement support Zigbee support in the near future, if these lights can be added to a hue system there is no dependency from Athom so probably the fastest way to get them working.
  • "ZigBee ondersteuning wordt binnenkort toegevoegd d.m.v. een Software Update"
    Dan moeten ze deze tekst weghalen.
  • Depents on what Zigbee protocol is gonna be added. There are several different Zigbee protocols. Hue has Zigbee Light Link, Ikea has Zigbee Home Automation
  • Is there a difference between zigbee light link / zigbee home automation on hardware level or is it purely the the software protocol part that is different? I really would love to see athom put some energy into the hardware again so that the other controller parts are used also
  • Zigbee is the protocol, all different classes, are different way of signals, comparable with people having different jobs.
    Where "people" = zigbee and the jobs are the classes. 
    They are all software based

    Zigbee has no full official standard way how it works though (unlike zwave)
    Al Brands work differently. 
    also the reason why it was pushed back on the time-line. 

    On github the first signs of zigbee are already present (the core module for apps) since this week.
    So they are definitely working on it. 

    The time line for now says light link and home automation classes are to be implemented
    But can ofcourse be extended in time. 

    But don't expect it in 1.3 update though, definitely be 1.4 or later but most likely the later 
  • JouseJouse Member
    Would be really nice to get Trådfri support. I have Homey with some KnK switches and zwave in use, and now I installed 10 trådfri bulbs. They work really well with their native app, and based on the articles mentioned, adding support via the ikea gateway shouldn't be too hard. Of course direct support via ZigBee would be even better, but using the gateway in the middle would also suit at least my needs. 
  • Jouse said:
    Would be really nice to get Trådfri support. I have Homey with some KnK switches and zwave in use, and now I installed 10 trådfri bulbs. They work really well with their native app, and based on the articles mentioned, adding support via the ikea gateway shouldn't be too hard. Of course direct support via ZigBee would be even better, but using the gateway in the middle would also suit at least my needs. 
    In progress: see
  • Athom announced to release zigbee soon:

    Homey has a ZigBee radio on-board, but we didn't write software for it yet because there simply aren't many ZigBee devices. Now that IKEA has released their wireless lighting products, we found it time to unlock even more devices, so we started working on ZigBee. Due to the similarities with Z-Wave, the development is progressing very smooth, and we hope to ship a first version in the v1.4.0 or v1.5.0 update.

    But would this mean that if people start to develop apps, that the Ikea "bridge"  wouldn't be needed? would Homey be able to directly send/receive info to/from the bulbs?

  • Priknr1 said:
    Athom announced to release zigbee soon:

    But would this mean that if people start to develop apps, that the Ikea "bridge"  wouldn't be needed? would Homey be able to directly send/receive info to/from the bulbs?

    Thats right! Homey can act as the bride then.
  • SommoSommo Member
    Thats right! Homey can act as the bride then.
  • Thats right! Homey can act as the bride then.
    Oeoeoeo... finally cheap(ish) smartlights. Me dutch, me like! <span>:wink:</span>  Finally Homey is becoming the monster-bridge it promissed to be <span>:blush:</span>
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2017
    Now zigbee is implemented natively, I would like to order some Ikea smart lights.
    Would someone know what the difference is between these two lights:

    One has 1000 lumen, the other 980. That can't be the reason for the doubled price ?!?!
    Spectrum white for the expensive one, you can set the colortemperature...
  • Thnx !
  • indeed, the expensive one has three different colortemperature modi. i ask that myself before ;-)

  • Is it possible to add the:
    - TRADFRI 5 Button Remote
    - TRADFRI Motion Sensor

    before i buy this i want to know that in case that homey won't work i can use it by hand 

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited August 2017
    Is it possible to add the:
    - TRADFRI 5 Button Remote
    - TRADFRI Motion Sensor

    before i buy this i want to know that in case that homey won't work i can use it by hand 

    the app page of the Ikea app gives all the answers you need

    • Supported Devices

    • TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 980lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm
    • TRADFRI bulb GU10 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E12 opal 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E14 opal 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 clear 950lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 opal 980lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E27 clear 950lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 1000lm
    • TRADFRI Rotating Dimmer
    • Unsupported Devices

      • TRADFRI 5 Button Remote
      • TRADFRI Motion Sensor
  • the app page of the Ikea app gives all the answers you need

    • Supported Devices

    • TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 980lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm
    • TRADFRI bulb GU10 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E12 opal 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E14 opal 400lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 clear 950lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 opal 980lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E27 clear 950lm
    • TRADFRI bulb E26 1000lm
    • TRADFRI Rotating Dimmer
    • Unsupported Devices

      • TRADFRI 5 Button Remote
      • TRADFRI Motion Sensor

    Thanks Lubbert! 
    But is it possible to add those devices in this app? is athom working on it ?
  • Is it possible to add the:
    - TRADFRI 5 Button Remote
    - TRADFRI Motion Sensor

    before i buy this i want to know that in case that homey won't work i can use it by hand 

    I'd expect Athom is working on the support as these two specific products have great value.

    I have the 5 button remote linked to a tradfri lamp. I noticed that you can use the lamp to "forward" the signals from the remote to Homey, so you could control multiple lights my having them copy the state of one lamp. Or course it is not as good as true support...

  • So you have that lamp connected to both Homey and the remote?
  • Great news, from October IKEA will also sell color lights in the Tradfri group! :)
  • bvdbos said:
    So you have that lamp connected to both Homey and the remote?
    I Would REALLY much like to know if this is the case.
    A direct assocition from the rotating dimmer is faster than "Dimmer->Homey->Lamp" - I've tried multiple times to pair the bulb to the dimmer and then the bulb to Homey in every thinkable order, to no avail.
    Every time i pair the rotating dimmer to the bulb, the bulb loses connection to homey.
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