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Sencing people!

AvdHF64AvdHF64 Member
edited November 2015 in Archive

We are looking for a z-wave sensor that recognizes people and a sensor that sees people. The latter is not a motion sensor because it should seens still sitting and lying people should see.
Wij zoeken een z-wave sensor die mensen herkend en een sensor die mensen ziet. Laatste is niet een bewegingssensor omdat hij ook stil zittende en liggende mensen moet zien.


  • I think your searching for something like this:

  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    edited November 2015

    Please don't make double posts...

    And what you are looking for doesn't exist. At least not in z-wave hardware. You need a camera and some very intelligent software to do this.
    It would have to be hardwired for power and need more bandwidth than is available through z-wave.

  • Well, if you want to keep it fairly cheap, you could make a Webcam + OpenCV combo, and hook that up to a Raspberry Pi, and connect the Pi to z-wave to send a signal. It probably wouldn't be very fast due to the computational power needed, but it's possible.
    An alternative option could be to use Kinect in combination with specific software and a z-wave connection... it would be quite a bit faster in processing the images than the Webcam-Raspberry Pi combo, but also quite a bit more expensive...

  • It might be easier to detect people based on the wifi signal of their phones. That's how I plan to experiment with 'sensing people'; see which phones are connected to my Wifi, to greet them :)

  • Then it could be more usable to use bluetooth sensing above a certain strength. No wifi-connection is needed then. 
  • Isnt there a netatmo device with API which van do this?
  • I think you guys who are interested can look at this topic, there seems to be a bit more vivid discussion there.
This discussion has been closed.