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My project... Italy

Good night at all.
I'm Marco from Italy. Congratulations for this forum.
I'm searching an alternative solution from Fibaro HC2 and I find Homey, I like it so much.
I know italian language isn't support now, but it isn't a problem for my.
My project is: Homey, Honeywell thermostat with wifi valves, smoke and water sensors, lights and rollers shutter.
For these automations I think I can take z-wave products.
Can someone help me?
Thank you so much.
I'm Marco from Italy. Congratulations for this forum.
I'm searching an alternative solution from Fibaro HC2 and I find Homey, I like it so much.
I know italian language isn't support now, but it isn't a problem for my.
My project is: Homey, Honeywell thermostat with wifi valves, smoke and water sensors, lights and rollers shutter.
For these automations I think I can take z-wave products.
Can someone help me?
Thank you so much.
Comments for example
There's also versions which work with 433 (but Zwave is better). Wifi-valves? I didn't see them before but zwave-valves do work.
Depends on the thermostate... for example
I think we are all willing to help but we need specifics like:
- Do you already own a homey?
- What brand and type of sensors are you planning to use?
- Zwave device from the larger suppliers a mostly very well implemented via a homey app.
To conclude, try to be as specific as possible. This way more people here are able to help
I want to buy Homey next week, I would only understand some things.
I don't know what sensors I will buy, I ask it here.
I can take Fibaro sensors and switches, and use an Honeywell thermostat, I think it's the best one.
Sorry bvdbos, I think Honeywell valves are wifi.
I have three questions:
1) why do you take Homey and don't use Fibaro HC2?
2) In which mode Homey and Google Home can work together?
3) Works Homey good in Italy (for frequences)?
2. I don't have experience with this, maybe someone else?
3. All homey supported protocols should work in Italy. As far as I know the Z-wave band for all EU is the same. Not sure about 433, I'm not using this.
Also for me Homey it's better, so I want to buy it.
For Google Home I read in next months they work together
I know like you about z-wave band in all EU countries.
Last question: I read some problems on this forum between fibaro products and Homey. Is it normal and all people solve it?
Please explane me "with new devices it might take some time after they are added to the homey-app until all parameters work 100%"...
I'm very decided to order my Homey...
I see in the app details all compatibilities.
What smoke and water sensors can I use?
Honeywell thermostat is my favourite and I see is compatible. I think I buy it. European version is only one?
I find also FGRGB-101 (for rgb led), but I don't find compatibility with Homey via Fibaro app.
FGS-223 is good for light? I see it's a double relay switch.
For thermostat: what do I need? Thermostat, valves, and...??? I see relè, ecc.
the some parameters is/(was?) old information since it didn't have percentage control of the rollershutter, which it does now, just not updated in the readme file.
FGRGB-101/FGRGB-321 is a false (or old) naming of the real name part id (fgrgbwm-401)
the fgs-223 is not a relay, it is the switch 2 (even though it does use relays), the biggest differences is the potential free and 230v switching contact of the fgs-222 and the not potential free, only 230v input of the fgs-223
and the fgs-223 has the plus again of having measuring the wattage and kwh of the output, and it's usage of scene activation (single, double (,tripple), hold and release of the (pulse) switch), which the fgs-222 doesn't have that.
for normal light switching they both work good.
thermostat... in which way are you looking for, room control, or just a (normal) thermostat in the living room
it is all possible. (if you create the appropriate flows for them)
For thermostat I need a control of single room (I have 8 radiators).
For Fibaro switch for light, what is the best one? I need also one for rgb led strip.
Where can I buy just Fibaro accessories? Amazon?
I need your help to find just items.ÅMÅŽÕÑ&url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=fibaro+fgr-222
The cool thing is the logic in Homey. I can do all myself and have set up logic, in combination of Hue Motion Sensors e.g. If i go down in the morning and motion is detected, the shades go up. They close when the sun goes down and the door to the garden (use Sensative Strips) is not open.
Cool is also to controll the devices with a 433 Mhz remote control. To open or close all shades manually. Or swith on my hue lights.
What's 433 mhz remote control?
The motion sensor is very cool. Where can I see it?
Please explane me also what's sensative strips.
In Italy we haven't this product, domotica isn't popular.
I think a cheap and much used brand is the 'klik aan klik uit' i tought produced by Trust. i am not sure if and under what brand name they sell outside the Netherlands
I am not a 100% sure but by sensative strips he means magnetic strip it can read if and when a door opened
And i think they also mean these remotes you can use so you connect this/a remote to homey and you give it a function or even directly connected to the devices (homey only emulate a press on that remote)
I just have an alarm (with cable) for my home.
Smoke sensor
Then gief links to Fibaro flood sensors not working and Fibaro motion sensors not working. Maybe some links to a Fibaro door/window sensor or some links to Fibaro wall plugs not working. After that u can tell us Fibaro doesn't work well on Homey. Until then: All my Fibaro devices are working very well with Homey except for a tiny bug in the smoke sensors software from the app or Homey.