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Need someone to program my Homey.

None of my devices are able to do anything but install and remove apps an add most devices.
The app and chrome website do not work on any of our 4 android devices.
I will give you as much acces as you need to add flows, etc.
If you want to get compensation I will have to talk with Athom bv.
The app and chrome website do not work on any of our 4 android devices.
I will give you as much acces as you need to add flows, etc.
If you want to get compensation I will have to talk with Athom bv.
But what is not working..did you add a device? In the tab devices?
You can do that by the following steps..
After added devices you can use them in flows...
Let me try to type the same with other words.
The only acces that works a little is via Chrome on my android tablet.
I can add app's via Instellingen, although the screen does not scroll down. So I can not get beyond Z-Wave in landscape. In portait I can click on everything. (Portraid - keyboard attached - tablet sideways - very annoying)
In Zones & Apparaten I can not scroll in landscape but everything is availeble in portrait. Here I can add devices.
In Flows that pop-up is stuck at the left corner Kies een Flow. The Flows I was able to create the first time I loged in are visible but I can not to anything with them. I am able to creat a Nieuwe Map but can't do anything with it not even delete it.
Works everything else does not.
Install chrome browser on your tablet and select in the chrome browser the DESKTOP VIEW mode?
maybe that will help?
if you can spend 300 on a homey and money on domotica a normal pc/laptop shouldn't be a issue tbh.
If you search online you can find a cheap laptop for 20 a 50 euro. (used)
After the new update vs 1.2 hebben wij besloten de Homey op zolder, zonder stroom te zetten.
We hebben ook aan familie in America gevraagd een Google Home op te sturen.
Can't setup homey since he doesn't have a laptop or desktop, buys a google home in the VS (wich can be ordered in the UK as well) and hopes that solves his home-automation things.
Google home is nice to talk to, but isn't going to automate anything for you. It is a nice adition to homey tho, but is never going to replace it. (at least not the current hardware version of google home).
And second, you ask for help...people tried to help you. And your first reaction is, Homey is collecting dust on the attic now.
But hey, your google home is on your way now! Good luck automating everything with it
I've got a nice iPad Pro and I can't configure homey through the browser. It is ridiculous.
That is 2 entirely different world, working with touchscreens and/or responsive design.
touchscreens is really hard to develop for since there are so many different signals send by the touchscreen itself, and is really hard to calculate on that for all the different signals.
especially with the 100s of different sizes screens and resolutions/scaling.
i think you are WAY overestimating that.
but its not just touchscreens where creating flows is bad at, now even with the mouse its a hassel to rearrange or move the flows them selves, or adding tags to cards can take several seconds of hovering before you can add it.
there will be big improvements in 1.3 update for flow management, so maybe it will become better for touchscreens by then too.
athom is aware of the issue (really was pushed with the last community meet up), and are going to look at it to at least improve it enough so you can work with it, though not as easy as with the mouse.
and i know you now have to wait until at least 1.3 is out... but nothing can be done about that, and hopefully you have an (old) pc or laptop laying around until then
I have several desktops available, but none that are located in the lounge where this device belongs...It is a real hassle to test flows and ensure that they work correctly.
Unfortunately for me, and the retailer I bought it from, there is only a small window during which this can be returned for a full refund. I'd rather not, but this seems to be a major oversight that should be mentioned at the point of sale.
then i would like to challenge you to write a GUI that works responsive (adept the view to the screen it shown on) AND works with a touchscreen where you move cards around with sometimes variable sizes of information in them.
I don't see many websites where you can drag stuff around, and works responsive on the fly.
Only know of 1, and that is a company specialized in creating GUI's and it is the only thing they do.
but not just on your screen, but on all touch screens options,
from sizes 3.2 inch to 34 inch (biggest touch screen i've seen up until now, there might be bigger ones)
resolutions from 800x600 (still see them around occasionally) to 4k (and yes that includes devices sporting a nice 7 inch display with 4k resolution), but also need to think about bigger resolutions (5k & 8K) in the future.
that works capacitive but also inductive.
but also with browser zooming 50 - 200%, and scaling in windows 50 - 200%
and next to writing such a GUI run a (international) company, where all your users want 101 things supported with only +/- 10 people where there are only half that know HOW to write for the GUI, so you can't spend all your time on improving the GUI.
oh right, PS, we want it now! or rather yesterday (so there is a LOT of pressure on you)
First we had problems with user's trying to use IE / Edge / <different browser other then Chrome>. After some long time Athom deciced to create a crappy desktop app that is in fact a chrome browser packaged nicely ( like slack etc. ). Now we see the exact same issue with tablet users. Why not start to think on usability instead of more and more features? I'm not able to create a UI that works great on different devices with all the features that Athom provides currently but it should be doable I guess and desirable.
And ofcourse. Responses like 'if you have 300 to spare to buy homey you can also buy a second hand laptop'are the biggest nonsence I've ever heard. It's like when you buy a great Tesla car the salesman tells you that you need a diesel engine to start it up.....
tl;tr: Usability of the homey should be top priority and this meanst hat the core of the device, configuring flows, should be available on touch screens.
then you probably also didn't read that the flow manager is IMPROVED in version 1.3.
and also my note that they are going to LOOK INTO better usability for touch screens.. if they have time.
hope you guys really try to create an GUI one day..., and see how HARD it is to develop such a thing... and yes even in 2017 where you can get modules everywhere, doesn't mean it will work in the way you want it to work, or that they even work with each other.
and yes the desktop app is only there because that is the ONLY guarantee that athom can give, that a plugin that can be added to any browser stops a function in the gui... seen so many issues occur with many different people since an extension/plugin stopped the browser of opening or even stopped the ability to add a flow card to the flow manager (on PC! with a mouse!)
and hope people will start to realize... that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have every situation tested and working if you work with a browser based GUI.
There is a reason why they have the message "we can't give support to people who don't use the desktop app".
and that very reason is that there are just in-numeral amount of possibilities, especially in 2017, where the difference in even everyday browsers are so big.
Lots of people do not know or realize that it is impossible in IT land to test every situation and people shouldn't need to know this. If a company communicates clearly what users can, and more importantly, what they can't expect there are less people complaining about it since they are told that something just doesn't work.
It's as easy as adding a question to the FaQ that tells people that they can't use a tablet to set up flows. If you search on tablet , ipad or telefoon you don't get any results on the support page. That would be the easiest fix.
You can get rid of the message:
use the console to enter: javascript:document.cookie="homey_suppressbrowserwarning=1"
Just tried the 1.2.2 GUI in Firefox 53.0 on Win10 and seems like everything is working BTW, big improvement compared to before when the svg-icons wouldn't draw...