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in subscribe put owntracks/#
So, my phone and my NAS are communicating. In my router I forwarded the port 1883 to my NAS. This works.
The Owntracks App says it is "connected" in the status settings. I see messages "leaving" show up, if I change the radius to 0. And 'entering' if I change it back to 50 meters. The region is shared.
I installed the Homey App, set the IP adres and port to connect to my NAS, but the log shows nothing:
20170303-11:37:24 topics:
20170303-11:37:24 topics:
20170303-11:37:27 getUserArray called
20170303-11:37:27 getLogLines called
20170303-11:40:55 getUserArray called
20170303-11:40:55 getLogLines called
Somehow HOmey + Owntracks client are not connecting to my NAS.
What version of the honey app are you using? Version 0.5.1 should fix that problem.
try this flow and look what you see in mqttlens
So probably a routing/dns issue. Anyone familiar with this?
listener 9001
listener 1883
then try poort 9001 in mqttlens
The log from the homey app shows that the app is not subscribed to any topics. Did you make a flow with one of the triggercards?
Because at the moment you need at least one triggercard (in the next release that is solved and the app will subscribe to topic owntracks/# even without triggercards)
I re-booted my NAS and phone.
And for you @Eternity see reaction from @MennoVanGrinsven
20170303-13:09:12 MQTT client connected
20170303-13:09:12 Connected Topics: owntracks/mqtt/Julian/event
20170303-13:09:12 reconnectedClient true
20170303-13:09:12 waiting owntracks/mqtt/Julian/event
20170303-13:09:21 getUserArray called
20170303-13:09:21 getLogLines called
20170303-13:11:55 getLogLines called
20170303-13:11:55 getUserArray called
20170303-13:12:20 getUserArray called
20170303-13:12:20 getLogLines called
20170303-13:20:38 getLogLines called
20170303-13:20:38 getUserArray called
20170303-13:20:39 getLogLines called
20170303-13:20:39 getUserArray called
20170303-13:20:43 getLogLines called
Log Pi2:
1488544739: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
1488544739: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1488544739: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
1488544739: New connection from on port 1883.
1488544739: New client connected from as mqttjs_6e29d1b (c1, k10, u'mqtt').
1488544766: New connection from on port 1883.
1488544766: Client mqtt/Julian disconnected.
1488544766: New client connected from as mqtt/Julian (c0, k60, u'mqtt').
1488544771: Client mqtt/Julian disconnected.
1488544804: New connection from on port 1883.
1488544804: Client mqtt/Julian disconnected.
1488544804: New client connected from as mqtt/Julian (c0, k60, u'mqtt').
1488544827: Client mqtt/Julian disconnected.
1488544853: New connection from on port 1883.
1488544853: Client mqtt/Julian disconnected.
Make a dummy flow with the topic owntracks/# then you will see all messages that the homey app can receive.
Now i see
0170303-16:10:30 received '{"tst":1488553846,"acc":65,"_type":"location","alt":95,"lon":8.107945064524912,"vac":10,"p":99.10999298095703,"lat":51.57079243774687,"batt":79,"conn":"w","tid":"ju"}' on 'owntracks/mqtt/Julian'
Since I have Homey I looked at geofencing and many different app options, including MQTT (although this was a while back). IFTTT works, with multiple accounts (just put in the key with a semicolon as a separator for each user).
This works easy and seems to be much simpler than the instllation description and challenges that I see in this post.
Where is this different than what I can already do with IFTTT; is there more functionallity for me to consider switching over to MQTT?
Than, I've set up a flow called "coming home" (trigger from IFTTT app).
There are 3 parameters that you can use to play with. I've set the first one to the name of the person, the second is the name of the location that IFTTT can report on, and for now the 3rd one unused.
In IFTTT each user sets up a Applet with a geofence and let homey select the flow "coming home" with the 3 paramenters. First is the name of the user and second is the location you'd like to refer to. Works on IOS as well as Andoid.
The only thing I'm still looking for is a way to sk homey where someone is and that Homey tells me the address of the individual. it's the only part I've not been able to fugure out yet. But note, I am not a developer, so any bright idea's on how to do that would be appreciated.
Homey log shows my phones activity:
20170304-16:41:55 received '{"_type":"location","tid":"EA","acc":20,"batt":71,"conn":"m","doze":false,"lat":XX.XXXXXXX,"lon":X.XX73791,"tst":1488642113}' on 'owntracks/Ernst/EvdB'
My phone displays a notification that it is leaving a region I set as 'Home'. However, this is not seen in Homey...
What is that last bit that I am missing?
Is what is entered in my trigger flow card.
Perhaps I am missing something in Android settings?
I have copied the suggested Android setting, I saw no errors.
In MQTTLens subscribing to owntracks/Ernst/EvdB/ I see log entries:
In Homey I made this flow, but it doesn't do anything:
What I am aiming for is to have this flow work:
In the trigger card it has owntracks/Ernst/EvdB/event in the first box.
So; my phone seems to move in and out a region, but this region change is not seen by in Homey.
Did you create any booleans?
If not, I think that you better read the first post about creating booleans and creating flows.
I am not sure what region updates not showing in Homey log and in Mqttlens has to do with boolean variables.
If I want to alter a boolean, I need a trigger first. I am not getting a region trigger to Homey.
I all so been struggling for a few days now and finally this morning it worked.
Did you check the log off the app?
One thing I know, you need the booleans to get a message to your telephone. I also started with the "simple" flow as you and had no response either.
Edit: Saw earlier that you checked the log.
Thanks again. I will follow your suggestions tomorrow.
Thanks for helping!
i only see location events in your log
the trigger will only fire when there is a transition message (i.e. enter/leave a geofence).