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Integrated security system

Hello all,
Few months ago, I came here to ask suggestions for security tips for my Grandmother. Last week I searched for Vancouver security systems and I found It not only gives safety but can manage all household appliances using tablet or smart phone. I thought that this will be more efficient and useful. If my grandmother forgets to switch off any appliance, I can monitor and switch off using my smart phone. What are your thoughts on this??


  • MarcelKuijperMarcelKuijper Member
    edited January 2017
    How do u know she "forgot" to turn anything off?

    Personaly i dont think security systems are secure when u can turn alarms off through apps, unless u know what you are doing. (as it can be stolen, propper codes to secure the app and phone, and then still, everything can be hacked)

  • Is it save to use the sensors of my security system, my doorsensor, infrsred sensor or smoke sensor, to activate my lights?
  • I think thats perfectly fine aslong as the functionality of ur security system dont get compromised.
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