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Send commands from Homey to Tasker
Previous tutorials where about sending information from your phone to Homey. This tutorial describes how you can send information from Homey to Tasker (the other way around). You can use this to do stuff on your phone based on triggers on Homey.Prerequisites
Install and setup AutoRemote
AutoRemote enables you to send message and notification to your smartphone from external sources. Install it from the Play Store and have a look here to send your first test message to confirm the app has been set up correctly and your smartphone can receive the external message. After visiting your personal URL (which can be found on the homepage of the AutoRemote app) all you need to do is enter a message and click the send button. Check the log in the AutoRemote app to confirm your message has been received.Create a Homey flow that triggers a message
If you have confirmed you can receive messages you can set up a flow in Homey. Make a test flow with some kind of voice trigger. Use the HTTP Get card of the HTTP app action card and paste in the URL which you can copy from your personal message page where you have send the test message. At the very end of that URL is the actual message you will be sending to the phone. Make it descriptive as this will be the trigger within Tasker to do stuff on your phone. Once you have saved the flow you can test it by testing/running the Homey flow and check the AutoRemote log if the messages are still received. Below is an example flow.Configure Tasker
Once you have confirmed you can send message from Homey to your smartphone it's time to setup Tasker. AutoRemote comes with a Tasker plugin. Create a new Tasker profile and select: Event > Plugin > AutoRemote > Autoremote as trigger for this Tasker profile. In the configuration for the trigger all you need to edit is the "Message Filter". This is where you need to enter the exact message you are sending from Homey (which is at the end of the URL in the HTTP Get action card). You have now set the trigger in Tasker which listens to incoming messages from Homey and you can define your Tasker actions for this profile.Again, the possibilities are endless. An example use case, I use this to start my Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner which does not have an open API. I have a Homey flow which sends a message to Tasker and a Tasker profile that starts de Xiaomi Mi Home app and automatically pushes the right buttons to start vacuuming (needs another plugin called AutoInput).
ok changed that but it won't go past the ..en. collum
http://[homey-ip]/manager/speech-input instead of using the test-button?
little help needed when i try your suggestion it tells me this.
kan niet vinden controleer de spelling en probeer het opnieuw.
when i open the homey page sometimes gives me the following error meldt het volgende unauthorized
but i can ignore and just log in with my email.
You would be beter of using the "tekst bevat" condition card. Now you will need an exact match. And when testing the flow it will not run as there is no actual text to compare it with, so it will always fail.
still wont go past the en collum
my command is oke homey beeld
ok now i have a message kanaal omhoog in the http get and it is working in the tasker app when i press the play button but in the following flow nothing happens
when i test the flow the message is recieved but tasker wont channel up
the message is recieved by my phone but tasker wont preform the action but when i test it in tasker it works fine??
copied this exact url in to the http get card and now copied the exact same in the filter of tasker still nothing
when my phone received the message it tell me message received from unknown is that ok?
sorry hoor ga ff over in het nederlands ik snap er echt geen zak van heb je tut helemaal gevolgd voor autoremote me foon krijg prima de berichten als ik het via de goo.le enz enz doe dan krijg ik berich ontvangen van onbekend "mute"
vervolgens in tasker profile event plugin autoremote en weer auto remote config message filter zet ik mute zonder de vier streepjes (met ook geprobeerd werkt ook niet)
en daar koppel ik een actie aan in dit geval geluid uit van me smart remote app dan zou je zeggen als ik op de sent knop druk op goo.le autoremote pagina dat tasker dan die actie uit moet voeren maar er gebeurd niks
ik snap er niks van op een of andere manier ziet tasker dat bericht niet of zo terwijl er in autoremote logs gewoon het bericht staat
update als ik nu de flow draai stuurt homey bericht naar me foon alleen tasker doet er niks mee
dit bericht krijgt mijn foon Received Message from Unknown: Text: "mute"
in de filter van tasker heb ik mute staan
als ik de taak click dan staat er onder if + % en value moet ik daar wat invullen???
i know but what im i doing wrong that tasker wont see or use the in comming message tried it over and over again deleted the apps both paid for deleted al the setting etc etc i am not that stuppid it just wont see/use the message from auto remote
yes switch is on blue thats on same for you the color i ment?
Yes, unknown as source is fine. It doesn't matter.