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Dutch 'slimme meter'

Is there a way read the "slimme meter' and use it in Homey?
did I miss one?
I just (last week) switch from Essent to Nuon as my power company.
I do have a 1515+ synology nas (stands beside the meter) but i don't use it to read out the meter, did not know this was even possible and how to do this with the synology.
At the moment my vera unit stil does this (also beside the silmmemeter), i have a 'special' USB cable directly plugged into the vera unit and in the slimmemeter which vera uses to read the meter values.
I am new to Homey, got it only 4 days now and i am still playing with it, to see what it can and cannot do, want to know how it works before i gonna switch from era edge to the homey.
At the moment i am investigating which functions i have in vera and if they are possible (and how) in Homey.
It is sad that the homey simply cannot communicate or (z-wave) pair with the vera unit as master/slave or has an app to connect to the vera edge as there is for the fibraro and other controllers, this would make it much mich more easier to switch.
Next weekend i think i am gonna unpair all my z-wave devices from vera and pair them to Homey and start making the flows(scenes) for automation.
Does anyone has some experience with for example writing the data to an mysql database and use them in Homey Insights?
@JPS showing mysql-data in Homey isn't possible directly. You could create an app which reads the pimatic/mysql data to a Homey app but why would you keep pimatic if you have Homey?
I will stop using pimatic if Homey will stay as my default controller, but I love the clean and basic web interface of pimatic for switching of my lights without scrolling and/or choosing floors and rooms.
Is there a way to get the smart meter data into Homey (without pimatic
I would like to use my existing P1 cable when possible....
Incoming telegram...
if (this.incomingTelegram[0] == '/' && this.incomingTelegram.slice(-7).match(/!.{4}\r\n/) != null) {
Well in my case their is no CRC (its null...), removed the && part of the above check... then the parser of Robert starts throwing errors at me ;-), will continue troubleshooting.
Looking at the DSMR spec, the CRC is not optional - it should be there...
I can't see what version of the meter you have (1-3:0.2.8), but it looks like more data is missing. Would check the interface.
Its version 3, and the above (my) telegram is according to that specification (CRC not calculated, non standard gas line) see below screenshot.
Thanks for the help, I wil fix it myself.
I will contact you when I have a fix that works for v3 and v4.
Little puzzled by the behaviour of the "summary panel" in some cases after adding a meter energie usage shows just a dash, but on the energie panel itself the energie is updating every 10 secs.... add the meter again and all is working fine... (see screenshots below). Any ideas?
@Homey_Lampje Good that it is working! Can I merge the code? I'd still like to see whether we can determine from the data stream what version to decode.
BTW: why don't you have an icon for 'gasstroom'? Just noticed I forgot to commit this to the repo, will fix that.
The energy reading on DSMR device can be undefined ('-') if you have configured there to be a producer available, but there is no producer. I.e. it is waiting for a value from the producer, but this never arrives.
With regards to merging code. I first want to figure out why during paring I sometimes get a dash for energy. As stated in my previous post, at the same time the "summary panel" is showing a dash for energy the "single energy panel" is showing the correct values... strange don't you think. My guess is that during meter paring there is some sort of an timing issue and energy is as a result of that not assigned to the "summary panel". Paring the meter again will in many cases fix the issue (meaning energy is shown on the "summary panel")... see photo's in earlier post!
Question: Do you think a timing issue makes sense? Ideas on how to fix a timing issue? See post below!!!
Agree that it would be nice and more convenient to determine the DSMR version from the data stream (telegram). However the v3 DSMR protocol does not output (or at least my meter does not output) that information see v3 spec above. Information that is not there cannot be decoded ;-), and logic like "if DSMR version is not there then it is version 3" I would not advise ;-)
All this said... I am happy with how it is working... Monitoring water usage is next :-)
During meter paring driver.js is used to find the meter its capabilities, for energy this is the code...
< dsmr.getValue('measuredWatt',, function(err, val) { >
Note that I commented out the original code... and replaced it with "actualWatt'.
Processing/updating the data is done in core.js, this is the code
< updateValue(this, 'actualWatt', this.values.actualWattDel - this.values.actualWattRec); >
The "summary panel" is now working flawlessly.