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[APP] Philips HUE (now with motion sensor suppport)

RobbertosRobbertos Member
edited April 2018 in Apps

Version 2.2.0 is out now and supports the Motion sensor. But It seems to be very slow. I have made a flow when Motion sensor detect movement then turn the klikaanklik uit on. This takes about 5 seconds what’s in my opinion is long. I have also tested it with a push message to be sure it is not the klikaanklik uit. Anyone else already tried this?



  • Philips Hue bridge can't send notifications of changes to Homey but Homey has to poll the bridge. Homey does this every 7.5 seconds:

    So there is a delay by design... When Homey is able to talk Zigbee Lightlink natively this will be solved, or Philips should publish a firmware which pushes messages...
  • Thx. Is it possible to poll every second?
  • Hi I found a bug in this release.    I have Osram Lightify plugs connected to my Philips Hue bridge, if I don't remove them manually from the Philips Hue Bridge before I attach lights to Homey the searching for lights just keeps idling and doesn't work.   If I remove the plugs first it does find my Philips hue lights.

    Secondly offcourse :)  can you please support Osram Lightify Plugs via the Hue app?  I have no osram bridge to control them. you would make my week :)
  • Could you file these as bug-reports/enhancements on:

  • @Robbertos is this still an issue with the motion sensor being slow?
  • @Robbertos is this still an issue with the motion sensor being slow?
    Yes because homey is still polling the bridge. In one of the next homey releases it will be possible to connect with zigbee devices. That will solve the problem. 
  • So its basically not worth buying at this time?
  • So its basically not worth buying at this time?

    If you have a bridge and some Hue lights it works great. Without a bridge it's nog working with Homey till the Zigbee update. I use a sensor to check if someone is been upstairs to empty the dryer or washing machine. When true homey stops pushing message not forget the dryer or washing machine. For this example polling the bridge every 7,5 seconds works fine. 

  • tunftunf Member
    Question about philips Hue, i would like to create a flow to do something with the lights (like blink for attention) but then go back to the previous lamp status. Is this possible or is this a feature request and if so, where to put this request?
    To be more specific, if time is x before sunrise the lamps goes on by one flow until i got a door open with my sensor, so other flow turns lamp off at door shutdown instead of previous dimmed on mode.
    In the future i would like to blink blue for x time if i walk by a certain motion detector and it will rain within x minutes. After that go back to previous state.
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    Don't know if you can set blink with HUE but you could store the dim-level in a variable (I used a betterlogic variable), after that increase the light to 100% and after a period of time restore the dimlevel to the value stored in the variable (you can drop the variabletag on the slider):

    I guess you can add multiple on-off's in the period in between to get a blinking effect....
  • Hi guys, anyone know if support without bridge wil come soon after the release of Homey 1.4? I'm considering buying some of the lights and switches.. But I will wait if it take months before that support will be added. 
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited May 2017
    I just hope support for a hue system WITH bridge will remain after the release of 1.4. My hue system is connected with 3rd party solutions Homey doesn't and will not support so being able to keep using the bridge is vital.
  • casedacaseda Member
    edited May 2017
    when looking at the latest software update, hue won't be updated right from the start with update 1.4 but on a later date.
    When, who knows, maybe athom is going to rely on the community to adapt.

    then i would suggest to turn off your auto update for the hue app when the hue update is coming (not immediately from 1.4 homey update), you can of course always install the old version with side loading if you forget, but if my guess is right, they will overwrite the current hue app to the new internal zigbee way, as that will give a hundred more responsibilities.
    Or you could ask athom to keep the old app on the github repository
  • @caseda that won't be necessary, I've sent an email to Athom and Bram confirmed to me that using Homey in combination with the bridge will remain supported.

  • MarcelKuijperMarcelKuijper Member
    edited September 2017
    Is the zigbee app for philips hue allready here? cant find it in the store.
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited September 2017
    Is the zigbee app for philips hue allready here? cant find it in the store.
    There is no hue zigbee app yet and it has also no high priority because Athom has a working Hue app with bridge. That's why they first focus on new products like the Ikea zigbee devices. Users can always make their own hue zigbee app and submit it to the app store (
  • There is no hue zigbee app yet and it has also no high priority because Athom has a working Hue app with bridge. That's why they first focus on new products like the Ikea zigbee devices. Users can always make their own hue zigbee app and submit it to the app store (
    Ah this makes sense, thank you.
  • xAPPOxAPPO Member
    edited September 2017
    The current Homey Hue bridge app doesn't find a 'HA Bridge', at least not as a second bridge.   Is this a deliberate code restriction or is the HA Bridge's emulation of a Hue bridge not as exact as it could be ?   It might just be discovery and so I wonder if is it possible anyway to add a second bridge within the app by fixed IP ?

    The Home Automation  Bridge is a well supported and evolving software application that emulates a Hue Bridge and allows a plethora of different devices to be presented as Hue lamp type devices. It also does the reverse allowing an external device to issue http requests back to Homey.    Here's a link to a topic on Homey and HA Hub

    Enabling the Hue app to see a HA Bridge would allow lots of devices Homey doesn't yet support to be used and allows for people to more easily migrate to a Homey system  All in all well I think well worth supporting if you can.

    HA Bridge on GitHub

  • There is no hue zigbee app yet and it has also no high priority because Athom has a working Hue app with bridge. That's why they first focus on new products like the Ikea zigbee devices. Users can always make their own hue zigbee app and submit it to the app store (
    Might be correct, that they have a hue app but not a really good one. Because of the time-lag between Homey and the hue-bridge you can't use motion detection or dimming switches with homey. It takes up to 7 seconds from motion detection until a light is switched on (depending on the 7seconds rhythm).

    So, I am in need of a zigbee app for hue if I want to manage my lights, motion sensors, dimming switches etc.. Especially if you think about the 100 rules problem and the 8 rules issue for each dimming switch within the hue bridge, there should be more people waiting for a zigbee app, if they want to create a really smart home based on Homey.

    And one more thing ;-) : it doesn't make sense to have one single Homey which has to use several bridges to work.

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited September 2017
    Seraphim said:
    Is the zigbee app for philips hue allready here? cant find it in the store.
    There is no hue zigbee app yet and it has also no high priority because Athom has a working Hue app with bridge. That's why they first focus on new products like the Ikea zigbee devices. Users can always make their own hue zigbee app and submit it to the app store (
    Might be correct, that they have a hue app but not a really good one. Because of the time-lag between Homey and the hue-bridge you can't use motion detection or dimming switches with homey. It takes up to 7 seconds from motion detection until a light is switched on (depending on the 7seconds rhythm).

    So, I am in need of a zigbee app for hue if I want to manage my lights, motion sensors, dimming switches etc.. Especially if you think about the 100 rules problem and the 8 rules issue for each dimming switch within the hue bridge, there should be more people waiting for a zigbee app, if they want to create a really smart home based on Homey.

    And one more thing ;-) : it doesn't make sense to have one single Homey which has to use several bridges to work.

    Well you can always make a app yourself if you are in that hurry ? There are multiple problems, not only making of the app but also the way of doing a reset that is needed for the devices that is not straight forward / easy (you also need a bridge for it). For now i think it's good they delay a Hue Zigbee app, the community or you can make it if they need it faster.

    We must not forget they have a small team and they are working hard on a lot of things and they can't satisfy everyone. It's good they first start supporting Ikea/Osram before makin another Hue app this way they can reach more customers, sell more Homey's and expand the team. For now they can't sell to the users of Homey that they will delay new features or the most asked feature backup/restore to delay all this things to solve a delay of 5/7,5 seconds in the Hue app that was there since it was released because that's how the bridge works (communicate over the internet by the API).

    Priority is a bitch because every user of Homey want's something different and has different needs for his/her smarthome :) For example for me Hue devices are spare, replaced them with z-wave Neo and for the lights LIFX/Ikea i have only 6/7 devices left connected to the Hue bridge (lights/motion sensors)
  • VeldkornetVeldkornet Member
    edited September 2017
    Hey guys,

    I have two Hue Iris lamps connected to a Bridge v2, which is then controlled by Homey. 
    Basically I have a flow that turns them on when the tv turns on, and off when the tv turns off. 

    Now my problem: Sometimes, one of the lamps turn on at a lower brightness, for example 10%, while the other is still on 100%. Then I set it back to 100% and it will be fine again for a few times. It really varies, it’s the one or the other, at random brightness levels. 

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Edit: looks like I found it on Github too:
  • I was looking for the official Philips Hue topic. I guess this topic is the most 'generic'..

    I have changed some flows that had the old 'dimming over time' card. The old card could dimm to 0% (so the light was off). When I try that with the new card, it looks like the lights are stuck somewhere at 1% (so they stay on). 

    Curious if some one else has this problem too.. Or maybe I made a mistake in my flows...

  • Oops, missed that one. Sounds exaclty the same! Thanks!
  • Does the app allow for two Hue Bridges? I cannot find an option to add another bridge.
    I've filled up the first with lights, accessories and routines. I'm considering buying a second bridge. Even after the bridge is not needed anymore I think I'll stick with the bridge option for now.
  • @Skyrunner
    you can just select the second (or thirth, fourth, etc) bridge when you include devices with the app
  • @caseda Superb, this works like a charm. Thanks! 

    Just for the record for others if they are searching: It is easy to connect a second/another Hue bridge to Homey. Homey detects it automatically and shows it directly in the dialog when you add a Lamp or other Hue device. Be clever and give your bridge a good name.

    In the Hue apps themselves, you need to switch between bridges when you want to command something from another bridge. There is no need to do so in Homey: it works with both Hue Bridges at the same time seemingly fine. 

  • Oh my god, I just got a Hue hub and connected it to Homey. My IKEA and INNR lights work so much better now then with the other apps. 
  • question does i need the bridge too connect philips hue lights? 
  • question does i need the bridge too connect philips hue lights? 

    Did you look at the app store? guess not because if you did you have seen that there are 2 hue apps 1 with using the bridge and 1 without the bridge (Zigbee).
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