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Homey v1.0.5

Homey version 1.0.5 has been released to the experimental channel.
  • Added a 'Ask for a specific answer' Flow condition under Microphone
  • Added support for Z-Wave hexadecimal defaultConfiguration values
  • Added support for Z-Wave association group hints
  • Fixed a bug where a user's insights would not be deleted when the user was deleted
  • Fixed a bug where Flow delays using minutes would not work
  • Fixed a bug where the 'Nobody is home' Flow card would not work
  • Various improvements
A complete overview of all resolved issues can be found at


    • Added support for Z-Wave hexadecimal defaultConfiguration values
    Can someone from Athom please tell a little bit more about this? Is this for the 'Raw Configuration Parameters' field on the settings 'page' of a z-wave device? What is the syntax?
  • casedacaseda Member
    edited December 2016
    i'm not from athom :tongue:, but i do know more, it is purely for drivers:
    "defaultConfiguration": [
                            "id": 3, // parameter number
                            "size": 1, // 1, 2 or 4
                            "value": 123 // signed int, (-128, 127) for size=1, (-32768, -32767) for size=2, (-2147483648, 2147483647) for size=4
                            // or "0xFF", "0xFFFF", "0xFFFFFFFF" for raw values as of Homey >=1.0.5


    So the HEX values need to be used if the value needs to be Unsigned (Range 0 to 255), instead of the default signed (Range 127 to -128)
    now also possible for normal settings in the driver.js:

                // set signed to false to let (0, 255) scale to (0x00, 0xFF)
                // otherwise the domain is (-128, 127) for size=1
                'signed': false

    But does need an z-wave driver update (1.1.1) of the current app

    • Added support for Z-Wave hexadecimal defaultConfiguration values
    Can someone from Athom please tell a little bit more about this? Is this for the 'Raw Configuration Parameters' field on the settings 'page' of a z-wave device? What is the syntax?
    No this is not the list of RAW parameters.
    During the pair process of a Z-wave device, it is possible and in Some cases required (e.g. In the keep-alive interval of the Greenwave powernodes) to update the default configuration of the device. In the same example, parameter 1 to 255 minutes instead of 2 minutes.

    it turned out that the parsing of these values was not ok. So although specified in the app, these settings were never applied correctly. This has been corrected in 1.0.5.

    See the following Github for more details:
  • Where is this different from what we got now?
    "Added a 'Ask for a specific answer' Flow condition under Microphone"
  • When u are not giving any responce at all, Homey would take that as a no.
    So now Homey asks me if there is any1 awake at 00.30 hours. When every1 has gone to bed there will be no responce and Homey turns off all the lights. With the "old" card this was not working.
  • I'm very pleased :smiley: after this update  and app update and  reset of my somfy screens they finnaly worked after 6 mnth's . strange thing is today i decided to put my homewizard back online but i noticed the update so i gave it 1 more try :wink: 
  • @p.scheepers Do you have battery-powered Somfy's or 220V-powered? Could you add your findings to:
  • cautjecautje Member
    edited December 2016
    @Rocodamelshe How dit you made this flow? I cant get it to work.

  • Activate flow, is only to turn on and off a flow, doesnt activate.

    I use a boolean flip. (Better logic app)
  • 0burner0 said:
    Activate flow, is only to turn on and off a flow, doesnt activate.

    I use a boolean flip. (Better logic app)
    That is a niece piece of information! Was wondering why my second flows wouldn't trigger... When I changed them to set a boolean variable to true, and set the trigger for the second flow to when this boolean is changed AND the boolean is true, the second flow finally triggered. Maybe @Athom can make this clearer in the desktop app. Or name the cards turn on/turn off and put in the tooltip that activation is not triggering?
  • hmmmm, i dont get it
    The second flow does trigger, when i delete the ask function everything works fine.
    Can you explane what you mean?
  • Question : when you participate in these releases can you at a certain point in time go back to "normal"  releases ?
  • @cautje Is Homey aking the question?
    And, are u NOT giving the anwser?

  • When is say "Ja", the flow does nothing and is leaving the lights on.
    When i say anything besides "Ja" , the flow will be active and is putting the lights off.
  • keverjeroenkeverjeroen Member
    edited December 2016
    Why use that card (vraag om specifiek antwoord)? And not just the 'krijg geen bevestiging' card? Now you always have to say 'ja'. You cannot say 'jup, yes, natuurlijk, val me niet lastig, etc'.. And why should you say anything if you're not at home? ;)

  • When is say "Ja", the flow does nothing and is leaving the lights on.
    When i say anything besides "Ja" , the flow will be active and is putting the lights off.
    Try unchecking the "Vraag om een specifiek antwoord" card. By checking it, you reverse the card
  • cnvissercnvisser Member
    edited December 2016
    Homey 1.0.5 went to stable.

    Update went smooth.
    Didn't reboot or disabled apps before updating.
    All devices 40+ seem to work.
  • Why use that card (vraag om specifiek antwoord)? And not just the 'krijg geen bevestiging' card? Now you always have to say 'ja'. You cannot say 'jup, yes, natuurlijk, val me niet lastig, etc'.. And why should you say anything if you're not at home? ;)

    Because of issue
  • jorden said:
    Try unchecking the "Vraag om een specifiek antwoord" card. By checking it, you reverse the card
    Not gonna try, this is working ok for me as it is.
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