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fibaro fgsd-002 smoke sensor
i bought the fibaro smoke sensor,i paired it with homey and is available
do i need to make adjustments to the config of the sensor,associatons group 1 is 1
raw configuration parameters is blank
i can only see the temp is changing,if i make a smoke alarm,the alarm goes off,but there is no detection on the device
any hints
i bought the fibaro smoke sensor,i paired it with homey and is available
do i need to make adjustments to the config of the sensor,associatons group 1 is 1
raw configuration parameters is blank
i can only see the temp is changing,if i make a smoke alarm,the alarm goes off,but there is no detection on the device
any hints
They should work without any changes in any of the parameters.
So will see if i can find time to debug this issue tomorrow (Tuesday) or the day after.
i appreciate that
for now it is only a pairable sensor,standalone it works great but homey is not able to control it
for instance if smoke alarm is triggered then trigger a sirene controlled by homey
if temp is above 25 then take of your clothes hi,just examples
and that is exactly what we want with homey
if you can not see the temp,try to pair it again with homey
This way the smoke alarm fgsd-002 also can be used as a sirene.
Do I need to create a github feature request for this?
Forget the question: I already have found the answer. I posted this a little too quick in this forum.
@caseda : any luck to use the test-button of the alarm to trigger the flow as with 'rookmelder aan'?
So yes It could be that you don't see anything happen within a few minutes.
you can change the setting in the smoke sensor ( don't forget to wake-up the sensor before you push the save settings button)
2 Fibaro smokes sensors.
Temperature is oké for both.
When I test the alarm (with real smoke), nothing is triggered by Homey...
Got this Issue on my System before Homey. I'm not really sure if this is a "Problem" of the Smoke-Sensor itself.
I did the procedure.
Same result.
Temperature is sent to Homey
Smoke alarm works but nog trigger to homey.
On the insights : temperatire, no alarms
Robin (athom) also did a fix with the last update, but that still needs a manual change of association groups (add homeys id to group 4 for the fgsd-002) or needs to be re-paired.
With my additional fix that is not needed. And will work without any change.
The fgss-001 will still need a manual change of homeys ID into association group 1
For better understandig:
Using a FGSD-002 > Nothing need to do after the actually shown update of the Fibaro-App
Using a FGSS-001 > Changing manual the association group 1
Could you tell how the settings have to look like after updating? At the moment (not updated) i have:
Associations on a FGSD-002
Group 1 = 1
Group 2 = Empty
Group 3 = Empty
Group 4 = Empty
Group 5 = Empty
What have i to do here: add homeys id to group 4 for the fgsd-002
Sorry, did not check it :-(
after the update, that is live now (v1.4.2), you need to add `1` to group 4
or re-pair the device, the driver will do it for you. (but you will need to re-do your flows)
after the update that i have send to athom (probably v1.4.3), nothing needs to change. (even not the id into group 4)
so if you can wait a little, you don't have to do anything else.
but will also keep working if you do add the id to group 4, (driver will check for this signal)
and even when adding the id to group 2 (driver will ALSO check for this signal)
but the less signals, the better for homey's speed (1 or 2 devices won't matter, but just think about if you add more and more devices that all send a signal more then is needed
I only see this :
Group 1 = 1
Group 2 = Empty
Group 3 = 1
And i have re-added the smoke sensor???
I dont see group 4 and 5
Smoke sensos is not showing any values
please notice that you are talking about an entire other version then the one with 5 groups
but looks like you already have a 1 in group 1 thanks to the re-pair, so you are a ok
But i dont see any values...
The smoke sensors just don't respond +75% when homey asks for the current value of the smoke alarm, I have changed that as well in my fix, until then only smoke alarms themselves show, or when you are lucky when it is awake and it will show "no alarm" instead of a stripe (no value available)
The ! on the device shows: This group supports 5 other devices to make an association to. What means that?
group 2 & 4 in the fgsd-002 (smoke sensor (z-wave plus)) are both for smoke alarm triggering,
but are both a different type of signal, since not all devices know what to do with one signal, or the other.
group 2 = just an "on" signal without the receiving device knowing what or why it receives the on signal
group 4 = an alarm command (by default generic alarm), so the receiving device knows there is an alarm, and can handle appropiatly
i can go into way more detail, but i don't think that will add much
Got following settings on this Device:
Also: On One Device Homey shows Smoke Alarm > No, on other Devices Smoke Alarm > -. On all Devices set Group 4 to 1 > WakeUp > But nothing changing.
now you also take into consideration that the setting needs to change before it is send again.
EDIT: i take that back,
just something i noticed (and also said in my previous post) by default the smoke sensor sends a "generic alarm" to homey, v1.4.2 does not look for this alarm, only "smoke alarm"
add this expert parameter:
the TEST function does not work at all in this version though, only real smoke
@RobinBolscher /\
v1.4.3 this all wont be needed
I'm confussed at the moment:
Does Homey looks for Smoke in 1.4.2 or did i have to set the Parameter you given:
(FIRE ALARM broadcast (2-nd & 4-th Association Group) active; enclosure
opening notification broadcast (3-rd & 5-th Association Group) inactive)
In addition to Battery In/Out (Written above):
Tested it yesterday with Batterie In/Out (Written above) > Works on one Sensor one Time :-(.
what do you mean with battery in/out?
I don't understand that one, never seen anything about batteries except for the battery reports that don't get send by the smoke sensor even when homey asks for it.
the same goes for the correct state of the smoke sensor being null ( - ) instead of Off... the smoke sensor just refuses (9 out of the 10 times) to send the "alarm is off" state when homey asks for it.
if they did that to save battery life... who knows
on the system before homey the smoke-sensor sometimes stopped sending data / the smoke-sensor did not answering the request of the main-hub (e.g. homey). in that case putting off the battery from the sensor, waiting round about 45 seconds till the short beep, put the battery into the smoke-sensor and all works fine again.
on homey i'm a not sure if the smoke-sensor works correct because e.g. one smoke-sensor looks:
and on e.g. an other it looks so:
If i made now the battery in/out the second pictured smoke-sensor is shown as the first. i did not understand why there is difference :-(. after homey reboot the smoke-sensors looks like the first.
also confussed at the moment:
what is homey and a flow (flow when smoke-alarm turned on) doing when the parameter 13,1,1 not set and smoke-sensor detects smoke? or: what is the difference homey<>smoke-sensor with and without this parameter?
is this in that way correct:
homey looks if the smoke-sensor has smoke. has it smoke homey will execute the flow. if the smoke-sensor has smoke the sensor will not send this to homey. if the parameter 13,1,1 is set the smoke-sensor will send this to homey. so?
so if homey starts up, and the smoke sensor is asleep, which it is 99999 out of the 100000 times homey starts up.
it will not receive a value from the sensor... and thus stay `NULL` ( - ), null also means, no current value available.
The smoke sensor will awake on its own, but this is by default only once every 6 hours! (how to get 2 years of battery life)
If it wakes up, it will send a message to homey, something like "hey controller, i'm awake!" Homey sends in response to that message. "Hi smoke sensor! Please give me your current state" which the smoke sensor then just blatantly ignores that request of homey 4 out of 5 times.
and thus the value will stay `NULL`."
This is called, active state keeping.
To be sure that the current state in homey is true, and nothing but true.
By removing the battery, and adding it again you Force the smoke sensor to broadcast (send it into the wilderness) it's current state. (so is not just directly send to homey)
So it will not always work, especially if the distance is large.
The bad thing about this though, is that the Battery level will be reset internally to 100%, since the sensor just assumes you changed the battery to a new one.
all Fibaro battery products do this, and is personally a VERY bad thing to do, but who am i.
If the smoke sensor detects smoke it CAN send 3 different type of commands:
Notification: There is smoke! <= this will only be send to GROUP 1 (aka Homey)
Command ON <= this will only be send to GROUP 2
Smoke Alarm <= this will only be send to GROUP 4
Version 1.4.2 of the app, only listens to "Smoke Alarm", and "Command ON"
However, the commands "Smoke Alarm" and "Command ON" are DISABLED by default on the smoke sensor.
(This is to save battery i guess)
To ENABLE these 2 commands you need to set parameter 13 to 1, and to do this you need to add expert parameters 13,1,1; (parameter 13, size 1 (1 hexadecimal byte), value 1, as it's not implemented in the settings)
Version 1.4.3 of the app, it will ALSO listen to the "Notification: There is smoke!".
The notification is always send, without having the user to change anything.
Listening to "Smoke Alarm" is the only one that has been implemented ever since the driver was added.
This was just because of not enough researching and testing and the inexperience of creating z-wave drivers.
v1.4.2 added the "Command ON" listening.. this due to how the older smoke sensor version works
(it only can send the "Smoke Alarm", and or "Command ON")