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domoticz data

kan ik mijn domoticz data en/of sensoren door homey laten beheren
ik heb domoticz nu 3 jaar draaien
ik heb domoticz nu 3 jaar draaien
Alleen nog niet alle sensoren werken evengoed met homey
zo heb ik me data van p1 gas en stroom verzameld van de afgelopen jaar en deze wil in met homey delen kan dat ???
zo ja ga ik gelijk een homey bestellen
Athom is nog wel bezig met webcam support en dan zal jouw wens mogelijk zijn.
P1 wordt ondersteund, zie ook:
op deze manier blijft alle sensor data bewaard maar kan ik nog steeds de logica van homey gebruiken
( dit kan met de better logic app & http app)
het "delen" van je gas & stroom data is voor zover ik weet niet mogelijk als je je tel sensor aan homey hangt begint hij bij 0, historische data wordt niet overgezet.
koop ik hem direct....... hij staat nu op mijn verlanglijstje maar daar staat nog veel meer op !
In combinatie met http request flow cards.
Ik heb zelf Domoticz nog draaien op mijn NAS, zodat o.a. de slimme meter uitgelezen kan worden. Die data wordt opgeslagen in de Domoticz database.
Deze informatie lees ik weer uit in Imperihome op mijn smartphone:
Hiertoe draait op de NAS het pakket MyDomoAtHome:
An English summary.
I still have Domoticz running on my Synology NAS, in order to track the data from my 'smart energy' meter. I am able to visualize this data on my smartphone, thru an App called Imperihome. In order to do so, I had to great a gateway between Imperihome and Domoticz, via a Syno App called MyDomoAtHome.'s
Thanks! I will check that out!
I have read both items from @posthok but still i cannot get this to work (yess i am really a total noob using the HTTP request and post stuff)
Once i get a good example i can go further from that.
Since the different sensors installed in Homey (lux and motion) do not update (known problem) i want to transfer these sensors back to Domoticz and update homey.
First create some variable in the setting page of Better Logic:
Now create a flow to change the variable:
In Domoticz go to: Setup --> More Options --> Data Push --> HTTP
Make the following settings:
In the URL the %V and %v are variable in Domoticz. See:
Try it, for me it's works!!
Thanks for the example!
I am getting some dat from Domoticz to Homey, but it seems incorrect...:
These settings are made in Domoticz;
The actual graph should be more like this:
Every 10 seconds domoticz sends the data to homey and write the action in the log.
In the variable overview the value are changing every 10 seconds.
How can i check if it is a Homey or a Domoticz problem? I see LUX and MOTION data in Domoticz but how do i know it is sending it?
I do however see that when i return to the domoticz datapush screen, the URL is empty, i fill it in again, save it, get a confirmation http link settings saved, but again, when i return to this screen it is empty, mabe Eternity has this same issue?
I didn't get it working with the authorisation module. This evening I gonna try to do it with authorisation.
If I try it on the console off domoticz curl etc , then it works.
When I recall ther settings in domoticz my url is empty !!
It looks like it doesn't save the settings correctly. The variables I want to send are saved. only the URL stays empty. When I click save, Domoticz responds with "saved settings"
@JPe would you please send some printscreens with a example?
both will not save the url
(My wife is cooking with induction)
Hereby all the setting fro, Domoticz (3.5877) and Homey (1.03):
This is unwanted, I think this is a security issue:
Use the type number for the variables:
At the end create a flow to set the value of a variable:
Now I gonna try to send the data to Homey with the authorisation method.
Hopefully you could reproduce this.
Me (and others above i think as well) think that this is the problem, somehow domoticz will not keep or store the url.
maybe we should ask this question in the domoticz forum?