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Using Homey as security alarm system



  • fuzzybear said:
    Hmm not sure I would recommend this system until they fix this.
    I contacted the our guy @ RSI and the CEO and they explained the problem,
    it is posible to "hack"  but you got to have detaild info from the server @ PAC/ARC and the client.
    Then you can send fake alarms to the PAC/ARC.
    In real life i can not see this happen.
  • fuzzybearfuzzybear Member
    edited January 2016
    with reference to the original link this was not so difficult. You just need to be able to sniff the network traffic.
    But obviously if this is a wired network it makes things more difficult. If i read the us cert advisory.
    It would appear that a patch has been issdued so maybe this is another issue that is being talked about. 
  • MarcoF said:
    Do you have a link to the smart alarm,  if i google it i come up with all sort of options from SwannOne to ismartalarm
  • Thanks for the response,  I did google it but was not in the results.

    I have contacted them but unfortunately they don't have an english website,
  • The Simon XT Alarm that I have is wireless with 40 zones of burglar and fire protection. It has a built-in display touchpad with a status speaker that provides visual and voice messages for feedback. It comes with both indoor and outdoor sensors. It includes chime features for both door and window monitoring. It has a 100-event buffer with both time and date stamp.
  • I have purchased the Vision ZM 1601 ( as a sirene for Homey, but I do not seem to get it to work because there is no app (yet). Would be a good option because of the low price.
  • I happened to read about IP CCTV surveillance system ( Is it reliable as a security system?? Has anyone used it before??
  • I've added support for the Aeotec Siren Gen5 last weekend, which will be available soon I hope. I ordered the Vision ZM1601 because it works on batteries, for which I'll attempt to make an app, too. I'll let you know if and when the app's finished.
    runderk said:
    I have purchased the Vision ZM 1601 ( as a sirene for Homey, but I do not seem to get it to work because there is no app (yet). Would be a good option because of the low price.
  • Super Serge!!

    As we all need more support for devices, would it help if we assist in buying them? I got no problems sending you some PayPal to buy a device I need added and I am sure others feel the same.
  • Initially I'll try to add support for devices I have myself. In this case I was in the market for a battery-powered siren anyway, so might as well be this device, eh?
    Payment for devices is as such not really applicable. If the specs of a device seem doable for me (I'm no z-wave expert!), we can always arrange that someone sends his/her device to me, I add support, and send it back.
  • MathijsMathijs Member
    edited November 2016
    You sir, are what this community needs above anything else.

  • That would be fantastic Serge. Please let me know if I can help.
  • Received the ZM1601 today, and created the driver. Damn, this siren is LOUD! Had to place it in the oven (!) to keep my wife from killing me...
    App's been submitted to the app store, so should be available somewhere in the coming days.
  • SergeR said:
    Received the ZM1601 today, and created the driver. Damn, this siren is LOUD! Had to place it in the oven (!) to keep my wife from killing me...
    App's been submitted to the app store, so should be available somewhere in the coming days.
    I hope you didn't forget to turn it off...
  • Hello Community,
    i have an Idea to Solve the Problem for making an Alarm System for Homey. It is a drive by solution, and i am not happy with it.
    If u have one trigger like a Fibaro Window Sensor, that has an "always on state" (like Window open, Window Closed), u can connect it in every alarming Flow. This Fibaro Window Sensor works like the "Alarm armed or Alarm off" button.

    If u set the Status of this Window Sensor in every Alarmtriggering flow, like: Movement in Kitchen AND Window Open (the Alarm trigger) THEN Flow "Blinking lights" and "Push Notification on Smartphone" and and and...

    In my Mind there can other Devices also be used for Triggering Alarm System on and off, like a Key System etc... So i am just starting with smart Home, i only have the Fibaro Starter Kit and my testing Options are limited.

    Also i am German, and my English is also very limited, so i hope someone understands what i was writing above ^^

    This Drive By Solution is alot of work, if u have a big House and u want to use every Window Sensor, every Movement Sensor and much more, but it should be manageable. As i see u can put the Flows in an Folder, so it could be divided from the other Flows.
    I hope Homey will be able in future to set markers like: If Alarm on Button is pushed (an Button on Dashboard must be able in Future too) then set Marker "Alarmsystem" on Status "On". Second Flow: If Alarm on Button is Status off, set Marker "Alarmsystem" off...

  • ........

    I hope Homey will be able in future to set markers like: If Alarm on Button is pushed (an Button on Dashboard must be able in Future too) then set Marker "Alarmsystem" on Status "On". Second Flow: If Alarm on Button is Status off, set Marker "Alarmsystem" off...

    When you make your own Virtual Buttons and use the APP Better logic you can already do all those things you suggested.
  • Hi there Homey users, 

    Homey seems to me the perfect controller, at least when I look at the specs. I'm deciding what gear to buy. I wonder if there is anybody who has experience with Homey as controller for your alarm devices. I know there are some apps from existing alarm systems (which also are able to operate as stand alone and in that case, if you connect it to Homey, Homey communicates with the controller of the alarm system), though the developers of Homey suggest you can also link the sensors directly to Homey, and let Homey do the job as a controller. 
  • What are your requirements to define homey as a alarm controller? Something like when movement detected and person x not at home send push notification to user(s) and switch on a light to scare people? 

    If that is one of your business cases you could buy some z-wave motion detectors (for instance the ZP3102 from zipato) and create a flow similar to this one:

  • I'm currently building an Alarm system with the Homey.

    The problem is not turning on the alarm; that's easy, i'm using SMART presence app and once everyone has left the house, its enabled. 

    The problem is not letting the alarm go off when motion is detected. I have multiple sensors, door-window sensors and motion detection. Like the example flow from @jjtbsomhorst, you can easily have the alarm go off. I also have a sirene btw.

    The problem/challenge is turning the alarm off. 

    If you use SMART presence, which is based on Wifi signal of your mobile phone, you are likely not to connect quick enough to use an arrival flow to turn off the alarm. I'm currently doing tests, but in about 20% of an arrival, a sensor is 'hit' because the alarm was still turned on. 

    So I'm currently building in delays/countdowns. But you want the countdown to be as low as possible. If the thief is already in the house.. I don't want to give him 10 seconds before the alarm goes off. 

    My current thought is to have a physical way to disable the alarm in my hallway. Maybe a cheap button, maybe a built in iPad with finger print. And i'll do a countdown and people will have 5 seconds to either connect to the Wifi or use the button to turn off the alarm. 

    If anyone has any suggestions. Let me know.
  • Well I think that this is a general issue with alarms. Take for instance an alarm in a office building. When you enter the building and the alarm is on this alarm is triggered. Normally the user has x seconds to turn it off before a message is send to some sort of security agency.
  • Maybe get a zwave keypad? normal alarms have one most of the time as well (to arm or disarm).
    And make a flow sequence like this:
    Flow 1:
    If alarm is on AND movement detected THEN set variable "movement", and with a timer of x (like 1 minute) enable flow 2

    Flow 2:
    If alarm is on AND variable is "movement" THEN "send message that alarm went off"

    Then you have x time to disarm the alarm
  • JasperB said:
    Maybe get a zwave keypad? normal alarms have one most of the time as well (to arm or disarm).
    And make a flow sequence like this:
    Flow 1:
    If alarm is on AND movement detected THEN set variable "movement", and with a timer of x (like 1 minute) enable flow 2

    Flow 2:
    If alarm is on AND variable is "movement" THEN "send message that alarm went off"

    Then you have x time to disarm the alarm
    Do you know any keypad that's supported by Homey?

    I only know this thing:
  • JasperBJasperB Member
    edited June 2017
    Not sure but I expect this 1 would work.
    Seems it works through the Fibaro binairy sensor which is supported by Homey through the fibaro app
  • JasperB said:
    Not sure but I expect this 1 would work.
    Seems it works through the Fibaro binairy sensor which is supported by Homey through the fibaro app
    Pretty cool!

    I would only need to fill in the code or take out the RFID chip in about 10% of the cases. Only when my mobile phone did not yet connect with Homey. I don't think i'll put this on the outside of my house. So i'm not sure what the doorbell button does :) 

    I wonder i can make a trigger for that button as well.

  • LuukvDLuukvD Member

    I'm using Homey to alert me.. with motion sensors and door sensors. And fire sensors. 

    Just waiting for 1.5 to be released to Homey can send a photo taken by my Foscam camera's to my phone when an alarm is triggered. 
  • zimbrazimbra Member
    I want to do the following setup. I have multiple door sensors and motion sensors.
    - create a variable alarm_on
    - create a flow for each sensor -> if motion detected AND variable alarm_on is true -> siren & notify etc etc

    Is this ok? Because like this every time a sensor is triggered it will start a flow (also when alarm_on is off).
    Is there a better way?

    I will also need to implement a sort of count down so I have the time to shut it off when I enter the house.
  • fspaanfspaan Member
    MarcoF said:
    As far as i know its not possible, with the current zwave smoke sensors on the market, to sound the siren with a simpel command. So its not a Homey shortcoming, its a sensor design issue.

    Also for now its not possible to create some simpel alarm functions with homey like;
    If home status change to away, then arm all security sensor
    If motion detected on armed window/door sensor and home status is away, then sound zwave siren

    For now you need to make a group of flows with the FlowEditor for every security sensor that necessary for your alarm system;
    1. If sensor frontdoor is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    2. If sensor backdoor is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    3. If sensor kitchenwindow is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    4. If sensor Bathroomwindow is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    5. If sensor Bedwindow1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    6. If sensor Bedwindow2 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    7. If sensor Bedwindow3 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    8. If sensor VeluxWindow1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    9. If sensor VeluxWindow2 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    10. If sensor shedddoor1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    11. If sensor garagedoor1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    These flow you need to disable/enable based on the house status.
    So if the house is occupied, you disable all these flow and when all persons left the house you need to enable these flow.

    A big house needs 10-15 flows and 1 (maybe 2) flows to enable/disable all these flows.

    Not really user friendly....

    Indeed, one of the reasons I did buy the Homey.

    Years ago, we had a burglary and even our 'Police approved locks' did not help a single second. After that we looked for certified alarm systems. Burglars use sophisticated systems to disable those as well. So, regardless the solution...if they target your house, they will manage to get in. You will only discourage the ones who are in for the quick money against little effort. And indeed the insurance will not accept Homey for discounts on your insurance policy. So, do your risk assessment and determine the value of investments you want to put against it.

    I do use Homey for triggering notifications to my phone in case there is movement detected by NEO door sensors, Fibaro light switches, Fibaro motion sensors and Hikvision cameras. I am using Better Logic for organizing the status of the Alarm (door sensors only or motion as well) hopefully that will still be up before burglars start braking into our house.

    I created 14 flows by now to enable/disable the alarm and to deal with a detection. Any trigger is first validated against the alarm status, next it will report out, set the spectrum to Red, make some noise, send photos to email and send seperate notifications. 

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited July 2017
    MarcoF said:
    As far as i know its not possible, with the current zwave smoke sensors on the market, to sound the siren with a simpel command. So its not a Homey shortcoming, its a sensor design issue.

    Also for now its not possible to create some simpel alarm functions with homey like;
    If home status change to away, then arm all security sensor
    If motion detected on armed window/door sensor and home status is away, then sound zwave siren

    For now you need to make a group of flows with the FlowEditor for every security sensor that necessary for your alarm system;
    1. If sensor frontdoor is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    2. If sensor backdoor is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    3. If sensor kitchenwindow is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    4. If sensor Bathroomwindow is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    5. If sensor Bedwindow1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    6. If sensor Bedwindow2 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    7. If sensor Bedwindow3 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    8. If sensor VeluxWindow1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    9. If sensor VeluxWindow2 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    10. If sensor shedddoor1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    11. If sensor garagedoor1 is triggered, then sound zwave siren
    These flow you need to disable/enable based on the house status.
    So if the house is occupied, you disable all these flow and when all persons left the house you need to enable these flow.

    A big house needs 10-15 flows and 1 (maybe 2) flows to enable/disable all these flows.

    Not really user friendly....
    In 1,5 this is solved with multiple triggers :) In combination with the ELSE and multiple OR (from 1.5) you can make this in one or two flows :) 

    Below cards can be used in the IF part:

    An alarm went on, you can select the alarm you want for example motion or co2 alarm

    alarm went off, same as above but then the off version

    a value changed (battery, co2, energy, noise etc)

    a device hasn't reported for x minutes

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