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Amazon Fire TV and Kodi (FireTV-App)

OKHomey79OKHomey79 Member
edited May 2016 in Archive

Hi homeys

 I really like the kodi-app and the possibilities I have to control my mediacenter.

But one thing bugs me. I’ve got a fire tv and I want to start it without taking the remote. It seems impossible to do it via WOL so the only possibility is to simulate the remote or the remote app.

The first gen of FTV remotes are a Bluetooth and the second on are WIFI-Remotes.

Did anybody have experience in copying Bluetooth or WIFI remotes? Is it even possible?

Another option could be to simulate action of the app, but I think even more complicated.

What do you think? Is there anybody else who is thinking of let Homey doing things with his FTV?



  • I don't have a Fire TV myself, so I am just throwing my thoughts at you.

    Bluetooth is not supported and will be added in a later firmware version, so that's useless right now. Figure out if your Fire TV can be woken up by a wifi remote, if so, then my guess is that your Fire TV has some sort of API you can send an HTTP request to with the HTTP app. You could create a flow that sends that HTTP request if you say 'Wake up Kodi' or something.

  • OKHomey79OKHomey79 Member
    edited April 2016
    Thanks, your thoughts lead me to the possible solution.

    You can control buttons and keys on all Android devices via adb:

    So this would be applicable for many devices. But on AFTV you could connect via Port 5555 and send over the adb commands via command line.

    So it is independent from bluetooth. 

    And if you want to start kodi via adb you simply send: "adb shell am start -n org.xbmc.kodi/.Splash" and kodi starts.

    Question is: Is there anybody with the same demand? How difficult is it to make an app out of the idea?

    I am anything but a crack when it comes to programming.
  • Out of curiosity, is there anybody able to create an app for the fire tv? I think there will be plenty of scenarios what you could do with it: start apps, start series/movies, if supported start tv via CEC...

    I think in the flows it only make sense when you could mix it up with speech recognition. But I also could imagine to connect it with NFC tags and program them with movie flows etc. for my kids.

    If needed I am willing to test it, but I don't think I could do it with my limited coding skills :-(
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