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[Updated] Honeywell Evohome 1.0.0
Honeywell Evohome
With this app you can manage your Evohome and other systems that connect via Total Connect Comfort from within Homey. It is using the unofficial API of Evohome.
After installing the application, first visit the Homey Settings and navigate to the 'Honeywell Evohome' application.
Fill in your username (email address) and password and press save. Then, go to Devices and add a Honeywell Evohome device. Press thermostat and select which devices you'd like to add into Homey.
Flow support
When temperature changes: triggers a flow when temperature changes
Via device card: individual temperature changes
Via Evohome card: any temperature measurement changes
When target temperature changes: triggers a flow when the target temperature setting changes
Via device card: individual target temperature settings changes
No conditions defined at this moment
Set temperature ; this will set the individual temperature on a device. Attention: there is no way yet to cancel this setting other than setting another temperature or using the Evohome app/system.
Reset temperature: Cancel individual device setting
Execute QuickAction ; these are the generic settings of your Evohome. You can choose between:
Auto: this is the normal mode, Evohome will follow the set program
Economy: this is the economy mode, normally 3 degrees lower than Auto
Heating Off: This will turn your heating off ( with a lower limit of 7 degrees to protect the system from freezing )
Away: This will set the Evohome system to Away mode
Day Off: This will set the Evohome system to 'Day off' mode
Custom: This will set the Evohome system to 'Custom' mode; whatever you configured in Evohome itself
Execute QuickAction (manual entry); with this card you can enter the quickaction yourself. This is usefull if you have stored a quickaction value in a variable in Homey, this can be used e.g. to restore a previous setting. e.g. door open, set quickaction for heating off, then when door closes, set quickaction with variable where the previous status was stored (e.g. Auto).
All actions are currently on 'permanent' mode. In the future there might be timers (e.g. set Economy for two hours). If you need that now, using the Homey built in-timers or the CountDown app to trigger a timed event.
No speech support at this moment
Initial scripting (based on HC2) provided by Webster Icons provided by Webster & Reflow Additional information by various sources on Internet
If you like the app, consider a donation to support development
Paypal donate
Only 1 Evohome system is supported.
Add target temperature triggers
Add speech support
Clean-up code
Add timeout to code if Evohome service doesn't respond
Add error checking in code
Translation to NL
Known bugs
In order of priority:
[ Solved 1.0.0 ] : QuickActions are back [ Solved 0.4.9 ] : Logging and showing in cards of target temperature when set in a flow is now working [ Solved 0.4.7 ] : Cancel temperature didn't work in some circumstances. Should be OK now.
Unknown bugs
Yes ;-)
V1.0.0 2016-11-19 : Quick Action setting and triggering working again
V0.4.9 2016-11-16 : Bugfix for target_temperature reporting when setting the temperature via Homey. There is a maximum 5 minute delay before it shows in the device card and insight logging
V0.4.8 2016-11-07 : Added target_temperature logging
V0.4.7 2016-10-21 : Correct 'cancel temperature' implementation
V0.4.6 2016-08-04 : Disabled quickaction checking due to API change
V0.4.5 2016-07-22 : Removed some logging that cluttered the logging in settings
V0.4.3 2016-06-15 : Solved 'first-run' bug
V0.4.2 2016-06-14 : extra trigger & action cards, fixed bugs, first code clean-up
V0.4.1 2016-06-09 : release for app store
V0.3.6 2016-06-07 : insights logging added, pairing bugs solved
V0.3.1 2016-06-05 : Second test release, including pairing of thermostats
V0.0.1 2016-05-28 : First test release on Github
New features:
- Extra trigger and actions cards
- Trigger: When QuickAction mode changes (excluding changes initiated via Homey)
- Trigger: When any temperature changes
- Action: Set manual QuickAction (instead of dropdown menu). Make sure you use the exact case sensitive syntax. This can be used to remember (via a variable) a previous setting and return to it.
E.g. : the QuickAction is now "DayOff". But if a door opens, you want heating to be off. After door closes, you use the manual entry QuickAction to restore to DayOff.
Bugs solved:
- Insight logging is now working consistently
- Adding and removing devices works as expected, no need to restart the app.
No significant changes; I've deleted some logging entries (in Settings/Logging), to have a more clear overview of significant events instead of 5 minute updates where no changes have been made or seen.
Due to this, QuickActions (reading and setting ) are not working. The reading of the QuickAction (which is done at start and every 5 minutes) can even cause the application to stop reading temperatures. And that can cause crashes.
I've submitted an update to the App store, which disables the Quickaction reading. The action cards for setting remain, but they are non-functional.
I hope to get this resolved asap, but I am relying on the Internet community to jointly figure out the new API calls ;-)
Sorry for any inconvenience, the QuickAction is one of my most used actions with the Evohome app, so it will be greatly missed until we can get the API call figured out.
Is a gateway required or can I use this app and Homey to connect straight to the thermostats and control them with Homey?
The latest Evohome/touch 3.0 has a build-in gateway, the older version 2 needs a seperate one.
I guess, I cannot operate the valves with the gateway only? I always need the touchscreen?
Gateway is only used for remote control and does not send signals to the valves. So yes, you always need the touchscreen.
Hopefully, the new one will come here soon as well...
I'am trying to activate a quickactions based on certain situations, but it doesn't work.
The API change is pretty significant, so I still need to find time to rewrite about 90 % of the Evohome app. Sorry for the delay.
I hope you find some time for that rewrite
- Added 'target_temperature' logging
- Corrected 'cancel temperature' setting, sometimes this wouldn't work
Still not working is the QuickAction setting if you have a Evohome system.
I've finally nailed the QuickAction setting and detection. This is now pending approval in the app store. These days that might take a couple of days.
If you cannot wait, you can manually install the GitHub version:
The question was asked before but from the answer I'm not sure if i understood correctly if I buy a seticket of honeywell hr92 will theyou be able to connect directly to homey?
Or do you need the evo home in order to get it working? since every one is talking about an api I think you would need the evo home and homey controls them through the api of the evo home?
you cannot use the HR92 'stand-alone', you will need the Evohome controller; that one connects (directly or via a internet gateway, depending on the model you have) with Internet. Via those APIs, Homey can communicate with the Evohome system.
Version 1.0.0 is in the app store:
Honeywell Evohome
With this app you can manage your Evohome and other systems that connect via Total Connect Comfort from within Homey. It is using the unofficial API of Evohome.
After installing the application, first visit the Homey Settings and navigate to the 'Honeywell Evohome' application.
Fill in your username (email address) and password and press save. Then, go to Devices and add a Honeywell Evohome device. Press thermostat and select which devices you'd like to add into Homey.
Flow support
No conditions defined at this moment
Set temperature ; this will set the individual temperature on a device. Attention: there is no way yet to cancel this setting other than setting another temperature or using the Evohome app/system.
Reset temperature: Cancel individual device setting
Execute QuickAction ; these are the generic settings of your Evohome. You can choose between:
Execute QuickAction (manual entry); with this card you can enter the quickaction yourself. This is usefull if you have stored a quickaction value in a variable in Homey, this can be used e.g. to restore a previous setting. e.g. door open, set quickaction for heating off, then when door closes, set quickaction with variable where the previous status was stored (e.g. Auto).
All actions are currently on 'permanent' mode. In the future there might be timers (e.g. set Economy for two hours). If you need that now, using the Homey built in-timers or the CountDown app to trigger a timed event.
No speech support at this moment
Initial scripting (based on HC2) provided by Webster Icons provided by Webster & Reflow Additional information by various sources on Internet
If you like the app, consider a donation to support development

Only 1 Evohome system is supported.
Known bugs
In order of priority:
[ Solved 1.0.0 ] : QuickActions are back [ Solved 0.4.9 ] : Logging and showing in cards of target temperature when set in a flow is now working [ Solved 0.4.7 ] : Cancel temperature didn't work in some circumstances. Should be OK now.
Unknown bugs
Yes ;-)
I would like to use the set card with number value, but it's won't accept the black value tag as input. (from another card)
Should that work? if not, feature request
Doesn't work in both (desktop and chrome) for this card.
Does work in both on other cards (eg better logic cards)
And is it possible to ask for a temperature and let home say it is <$evohome installed thermostat> degrees or graden. So is it possible to use a parameter to get into a default Homey speech card the value?
Thx Paul
@aloft first of all big thanks for this app before i start shooting issues into your direction.
I updated this morning to 1.1.0 (experimental) and now the Evohome app is not working anymore. I cannot login to TCC anymore. I am sure the UserID/Password are ok. Already tried to uninstall/install the app, did not solve the problem.
Until 1.1.0 I used it without any problems.
-------------------------------- Update
Hmm, again installed the app, installed it and now its working again.......
Also the Tag "ingestelde temperatuur" as a valid value now. Not sure what the problem was. Honeywell cloud service was working all the time....
------------------------------ Update
So...this is caused by me having the evoHome hot water sensor. In the data it returns its name is empty and this throws an error.
The hot water sensor also doesn't have the same changeable values
I have crudely patched around this but I also noticed some other errors that are not being handled fully and at some time this app might break when the OS is updated to terminate the app on such errors.