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Onkyo app only able to change volume?

When reading the onkyo app info it states functionality like changing input etc.. but that doesn't seem to work?

Ik kan only turn it on or off or change the volume...


  • jordenjorden Member
    I think you only use the settings part of the onkyo. Try dragging your onkyo to the 'action'  part of a flow, then you will see you can do much more! 
  • Technically, I think you mean the capabilities part ;-) i.e. the card on mobile and the slider icon in the device section of the website/desktop app.
  • Yes I would like to use the Homey app also as a "remote"... 

    In the sense that I want to control every remote controlled piece of equipement with homey
  • jordenjorden Member
    That is possible, but the capabilities part (Thanks @MarcoVanDenHout , I really was unable to come up with the word ;)) in Homey is not yet fully developed. So full control of your Onkyo is really hard since there only is limited space there, and limited possibilities. 
    Perhaps in the near future this will get extended.

    A workaround for now, could be to install the 'Better logic' app at
    This app features a 'bitflip' device, which is kind of like a virtual device. I think you could make a virtual device for every setting you would like to be able to control; for example, if you want to switch input to TV and GAME, add a TV bitflip and a GAME bitflip.
    Then add an action to switch the channel triggered by the switching of  the bitflip. However, it is a lot of work that way.
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