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I would like one

I honestly checked out all possible sources but other than the promise the product will ship in June to retail (a promise that is rather hard to take serious after the delays we seen before) I can't get any information on when I will be able to buy a Homey.  Some shops that advertised the Homey have now removed those adds. When asked I got told that's because Athom asked for that. I am worried that as it does not show great confidence in serious production. 

Having burned several times before I will not order a product that is not shipping, so my question is really rather simple. Will the Homey ship in serious numbers in the next two weeks? As all of those must have been produced and be in the delivery pipeline by now this is a valid question. One that can be answered. 

I really don't care if I need to wait another month, but I do care about being informed.  I would mind if I have to wait months, because my need for a solution is rather urgent.


  • MathijsMathijs Member
    edited June 2016
    No, if before release second hand is the only way to buy it indicates a product that people who own a pre production model, want to get rid of it, I might not want one at all. If Athom can't deliver in June I am sure they will say so.

    Besides. I own a few products that I bought preproduction. Almost all are not 100% the same as the product that actually shipped. Preproduction models are made to find problems. I rather get the version where those products are solved in. If Athoms tells me any second hand copy I can find is the same as they will ship in bulk to retail things are different.
  • There are no differences between pre order and kickstarter items..

    click on buy now 
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited June 2016
    Webster is right, you can just order it from the Athom store. If you accept a Beta status of the software (ie. not the full retail experience), then it should be shipped fairly soon (see also the 'shipping status' thread), as the hardware is already available. It's just the software that needs more updating, fixing and finetuning... but that will be done through online firmware updates, over the next couple of months. I guess that is also the reason why Athom has concluded that the product is not yet ready to be sold in retail stores...

    I definitely would not recommend buying it second-hand from Marktplaats (mainly because of the warranty on the hardware, but also because if you order it directly from Athom, upon delivery you still have 2 weeks to change your mind, return it and get a full refund).

  • Buy now means pay now and get it somewhere in the future. Hardly ideal I think you will agree. It's not buy now but preorder now. The shipping status is now showing June, but we all know we have seen many many other months there. The retailers I have spoken to do not expect Athoms to be able to ship in the next week.

    I was just hoping to get a better idea on when we can expect them to ship in some numbers but I think I'll have to accept that this is just not possible. Again I would not mind having to wait, but knowing I'll have to wait would be nice.
  • Clearly it was not June, but I see Honey should be shipping today to retailers. Can anybody confirm that that is indeed happening? Again as said I rather not place an order for something that is not actually shipping.

  • CassieCassie Member
    Based on the information that I received from Athom by e-mail after pre-ordering a few weeks ago, I expect my Homey to be sent today. And if you will place your order now, it won't be sent until September. They expect Homey to be retail redy by then. I guess whey won't sent Homey to retailers until September. 
  •  Cassie said:
    Based on the information that I received from Athom by e-mail after pre-ordering a few weeks ago, I expect my Homey to be sent today. And if you will place your order now, it won't be sent until September. They expect Homey to be retail redy by then. I guess whey won't sent Homey to retailers until September. 
    Cassie, did you receive any confirmation that it was send to you yesterday? Because I also filled in the form they send, so they would send me one this week. But did not receive any confirmation yet. I'm hoping my Homey will come soon ^^
  • De_Kraai said:
     Cassie said: Cassie, did you receive any confirmation that it was send to you yesterday? Because I also filled in the form they send, so they would send me one this week. But did not receive any confirmation yet. I'm hoping my Homey will come soon ^^
    Clearly this is all speculation but I wouldn't expect Athom to send out Homey's without the 0.9 firmware as they announce it to be a big update fixing a lot of stuff you would expect from the pre-order model (like better z-wave and improved stability)..
  • Clearly this is all speculation but I wouldn't expect Athom to send out Homey's without the 0.9 firmware as they announce it to be a big update fixing a lot of stuff you would expect from the pre-order model (like better z-wave and improved stability)..
    Just now I received an e-mail from Stefan,
    My Homey is on his way to my home and I will receive him today.
    Indeed not yet with the upcoming update, but i accepted that in the form they send me.
    I had a choice:
    Wait for the stable version, or receive it now 
  • CassieCassie Member
    I am glad that I can say that I just received Homey. It is standing next to me and will install it later today. I did't received a tracking and it is delivered by dpd. Thanks Athom :)
  • Cassie said:
    I am glad that I can say that I just received Homey. It is standing next to me and will install it later today. I did't received a tracking and it is delivered by dpd. Thanks Athom :)
    Have fun with your Homey  B)
  • Cassie said:
    Based on the information that I received from Athom by e-mail after pre-ordering a few weeks ago, I expect my Homey to be sent today. And if you will place your order now, it won't be sent until September. They expect Homey to be retail redy by then. I guess whey won't sent Homey to retailers until September. 
    Actually the site states that shipments to retailers should have commenced, but so far I have not seen them on sale.

    Good luck with your Homey!
  • Mine arrived yesterday! Super swift and efficient delivery!
    Now just need to find some time to play!
  • Still no Homneys at retailers.... wish Athom would give some comment.
  • Ahhh I heard from a retailer they are not expected before September. So I do believe the mentioning that shipping to retailers has started is not completely true and that they still have problems producing enough.

    Ahh well, things you wait long for....
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