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Could be the TV is refusing the requests or the are timing out.
May I ask you to create the 2 test flows as described in the readme on Github?
Should this work too? Or do I really have to make 2 flows?
You could make 3 flows and see which one trigger.
Hi, I remove de app and install the new version.
Automatic does not work.
Manual works for a few seconds and than shows the message: "Req timeout" instead of "Please set PSK" like it was in the old version.
We are moving in the right direction.
"Req. timeout" is a known issue....
Could you try a PTP (Pull the plug/cold reboot) and see if the device comes available?
Ok it's working!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot.
And now testing with flows...........
Let me know your further findings, because I'm experiencing the same issue with timeouts and refused connections. For me the PTP method fixes it for a few hours and max 1-2 days.
Everything works except the TVon cart.
I let you know when there is a time out.
I have a suggestion: is it possible to make a card in which you can put nubers (0 to 9) so you can jump to a channel on your tv.
You can say against Homey: TV SBS6 or TV Utrecht. you can then send to the TV number 6 or 3 and 0.
That works for me in OpenRemote with the HTTP POST command.
I use for TV on, the Wake-On-Lan Protocol to the TV.
The API supports "NumXX" set.
I think this makes it possible to set the TV at a certain channel, but I didn't test it.
About the TV-on, does your TV has an "sleep/hibernate" option?
Our TV has several power off options and maybe your TV isn't set to the option were it can react on API calls.
The same goes for;
Could you guys follow this and post the results of your TV's?
If the result contains "WakeUp" with Value "AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAuAw==" then the supports the "Power On" command of the "Power On" card and its a point of configuring on the right powerOff setting.
Unfortunately is WakeUp not in the result file.
Hou can I test "NumXX", or is in not possible in de app yet.
I have Num1 till Num12 in de json file.
Don't worry for the WakeUp command.
I tested it with de app "Wake on LAN" and that works.
I think the manual add will be choice for using WOL
This update adds a first attempt for WOL.
How does it work;
In the settings of the device I added 2 fields; UseWol / Mac Address
If MacAddress is not "00:00:00:00:00" and not empty/"" and UseWol is checked, then the Power On card will use WOL instead of the normal IP communication.
Hopefully it works and let me know your findings!!
Low priority fix because we can work around easily...
And for now WOL only could work with and flow card and not through a mobile card from the ios/android app or WebGui.
Hi Marco! I've tested it this weekend, but I get no errors (refusing requests / time outs) when I run my flow. Can it be that the 'wait' part in the action isn't working as it should? Maybe it fires both actions at the same time, and doesn't wait the 6 seconds.
hmmm don't known why this happen.
The app write logline with time/action/results of a Flow ActionCard.
So you could try to --run the app and then trigger the flow with this issue.
If every thing is OK then it should show something like this;
In your case you should see 2 of these "block" and X secs after each other and Command time should show the time diff/delay.
Can you also make a flowcard to send NumXX to the TV.
The APP is working fine for me.
Thanks for the effort you have put in there.
p.s. are you planning to publish the app in the store?
I will submit it, but I PTP on my homey so development and such is "down". Will do some small card updates and it's up to you guys to test is (this coding part is no rocket science, so I believe it will work with Max 2 "releases"
Thanks for implementing the Enter card, its heavy appreciated
Thanks for adding!
Thanx! The code you mentioned is "confirm". Will add the confirm code in the next update.
Ok the number cards works good.
I have a stange behavior when using numbers like 30. Send number 3 wait 2 seconds and then number 0.
TV goes to channel 3.
Thanx for all your testing!!